Eb Mueller
{K:24960} 3/7/2010
I like the perspective and feeling of distance! White merging on white works well!
Radovan Magdalenic
{K:32881} 3/6/2010
Thank you very much Majid.Best regards
majid masood
{K:6931} 3/6/2010
Great capture, nice composition and lighting, well done!
Radovan Magdalenic
{K:32881} 3/4/2010
Thank you very much Ania.Best regards
Ania Zielińska-Hoşaf
{K:61374} 3/4/2010
Excellent capture... white snow on the background of white cloud and still the border is clear... Very fine colors!
Best wishes, Ania
Hussam AL_ Khoder
{K:79545} 3/4/2010
!________________.♥♫♥.____________.♥. * .* .. !________________.♥♫♥♫.______-.♥♫♥. * .* . * . !________________.♥♫♥♫♥._-.♥♫♥♫. * .* . !_______________.♥♫♥♫♥♫♥♫♥♫♥. * . * . * . * . !__________-.♥♫♥♫♥♫♥♫♥♫♥♫♥. * .* .. !_____.♥♫♥♫♥♫♥♥♫♥♫♥♫♥♥♫♥♫♥. * . * . * . * ..I like it a lot !__________-.♥♫♥♫♥♫♥♫♥♫♥♫♥. * . * . * .. !_______________.♥♫♥♫♥♫♥♫♥♫♥. * . * . * .. !________________.♥♫♥♫♥._-.♫♥♫♥. * . *. * . * .. !________________.♫♥♫♥.______-.♥♫♥. * .* .. !________________.♥♫♥.____________.♥. * . *.
Radovan Magdalenic
{K:32881} 3/4/2010
Hvala Nanda.Pozdrav
Nanda Baba das
{K:78053} 3/4/2010
Prelijepa priroda. bas mi se svidja. Pozdrav
Radovan Magdalenic
{K:32881} 3/4/2010
Thank you very much Vehbi.Best regards.
Radovan Magdalenic
{K:32881} 3/4/2010
Thank you very much Malules.Best regards.
Radovan Magdalenic
{K:32881} 3/4/2010
Hvala Mimi
Radovan Magdalenic
{K:32881} 3/4/2010
Thank you very much Aditya.Best regards.
vehbi dileksiz
{K:37355} 3/4/2010
Impressive and wonderful image Radovan My best... vehbi.
Malules Fernandez
{K:54810} 3/4/2010
Excellent, dear Radovan! hugs, Malules
Miodrag Stojanovic
{K:4477} 3/4/2010
Lepa je i ova, nebo je ispod nivoa aparata, i deluje kao da je montirano. To mi se narocito svidja
Aditya Jeloka
{K:3345} 3/4/2010
love the snow merging into the clouds cheers