Carmen Fuchs
{K:6967} 3/2/2010
excellent. =)
Mark Southcombe
{K:2910} 3/2/2010
Great shot. The slight blur in the fingers is nice too.
Owen O'Meara
{K:10503} 3/1/2010
I like this a lot mate.
Roger Skinner
{K:81846} 3/1/2010
Yeah .. Phil is still in Chain its just that Matt lives in Perth and Phil said he was getting.. lazy kekeke Chain do still play together.. I have seen them several times at Thredbo and about 18 months ago they played at the Bimbadgen Red White & Blues day...
Billy Bloggs
{K:51043} 3/1/2010
This takes me back, I can remember when this guy was in Chain, he's aged remarkably well, great shot Regards, Gary
Roger Skinner
{K:81846} 2/28/2010
mate .. I shot this from outside the bar where Phil was perfomring.. we (LL and I)were rostered on to look after the door.. so I din't quite get into the venue and I had to shoot between all the moving heads of every tall bugger standing up in the front... I reckon I did well keke
Wayne Harridge
{K:18292} 2/28/2010
Great shot, looks like the conditions weren't ideal for photography.