Marcus Armani
{K:36599} 4/28/2010
Hi Rashed, Grain or Noise @ iso 400 usually shows up in shadowed areas or shooting your subject dark, Dont be afraid to shoot to the right, or say 1/3rd over exposed in good light, and even more in bad light. You will notice brighter subjects have very little noise at 400ISO, Also when you have good lighting (sunshine) always bump the iso down to 200 where noise in non existant as 400 Is just a all around startig point for average weather or light. Also you should have a good grain removal program for noisey areas, like Neat Image or grain surgury.. Good Luck and let me know how it goes... Marcus.
Rashed Abdulla
{K:2292} 4/28/2010
Dear Marcus, this is a wonderful capture and so sharp, very impressive and so well balanced light and composition.
My friend, I tried to capture birds with my D3X and both the Nikon 300MM F2.8 VR and the Nikon 80-400MM F4.5/5.6 VR,, using high ISO like the 400 given me a lot of grain in the image.
Is there a way to over come the grain please ?
Thank you and wishing you all of the best.
Roberto Arcari Farinetti
{K:209486} 2/16/2010
amazing capture like always marcus, hope you are fine.. ciao roby
Nicole Besch
{K:72664} 1/30/2010
Great sharpness and wonderful feather details!This is truly a fantastic capture and I miss your beautiful photography! Best to you, Nicki
Rich Swanner
{K:-3732} 1/30/2010
Hello Marcus! I am shooting with a 1D MkII N now,and with my 400mm f/5.6L
 Brown Pelican ...Carmel River Beach |
Robert Chin
{K:22282} 1/28/2010
Great shot as usual Marcus with colors and sharpness against the cloudy sky.The catchlights in the eyes is typical of you. Robbie
Hussam AL_ Khoder
{K:79545} 1/14/2010
Amazing capture!!!
Dave Stacey
{K:150877} 1/14/2010
A beautiful inflight shot, as usual, Marcus! Great to see another of your shots! Dave.
Umesh Padhye
{K:1726} 1/14/2010
Good work.. Nicely captured..Gr8 colours
Kerry Statham
{K:3678} 1/14/2010
Absolutely perfect focus and detail Marcus. Great capture... Perfect... I know you prefer a critique, but i can't offer a suggestion to make it better! Great job!
I agree with Andre as well - too bad some of the "reg's" have gone, tho' I have to admit, due to "family comittments" I was one of those that left - temporarily!
Welcome back. Kerry
Rick Koth
{K:2971} 1/14/2010
Welcome back. We missed you! And it goes without saying, another fine photo.
joćo chaves
{K:4140} 1/14/2010
Guido Tweepenninckx
{K:20076} 1/13/2010
a real beauty ,Marcus love the colors and background. cheers
Andre Denis
{K:66407} 1/13/2010
I rest my case about the eyes!!! Excellent definition and colour in all the right places! Good to see you are still into the wildlife shooting! We have some Harriers in one of the fields not too far away from us. They don't like to come too close to people. I'll have to get out there and try a few shots anyway.
I agree with your about, mostly, I just wish so many of the regulars from a few years ago didn't leave. Oh well, every thing changes.
I still don't have the optimum birding lens for my D200. But I bought something not too bad for most wildlife and sports. I now use the Nikon af-s 300mm f/4 if-ed prime lens for sports and some wildlife. I add the 1.4 Nikon af-s TC for more distance and smaller subjects. The TC turns the lens into an F5.6 and is still pretty sharp. I was warned to stay away from the 2X TC.
Talk to you later. Andre
Bruce Wertz
{K:2553} 1/13/2010
Great photo Marcus. Excellent job. I really can not critique it, because I think it is beautiful