Geza Farkas
{K:12412} 1/28/2004
I really enjoy in your work. Fantastic.
Kristina Kohut
{K:49990} 1/20/2004
Aaah... fantastic timing! Superb photo!! It's so perfect and beautiful, makes me so impressed!
Rawabi Al-Nuaimi
{K:15659} 12/27/2003
oh God this pic makes me wish if i were there rubbing the lion's mane and hugging him! lol my fantasy since I was a kid is to hug a lion! :P
Dave Holland
{K:13074} 5/7/2002
Professional is the word, thankyou for posting. This one really gives a sense of how big these animals are. Look at that huge front paw...
Dawna G.
{K:7709} 5/7/2002
Another amazing photo Suha. What can I say - just keep posting - cause we are enjoying them! And the only constructive part of my comment: don't get too close because that mouth is VERY big. ah yes, I just saw that you use a very long lens.
Halid Izzet
{K:373} 5/7/2002
Aman aman !!!! Suha - Brilliant ! Beautifully composed, and great timimg. How close to you manage to get before disyturbing them (and HOW do you get so close ? Do you always use slides ? Halid
Debbie Groff
{K:9569} 5/7/2002
Hi Suha..Just wanted to thank you for taking the time to comment on my pictures from time time. I've gone through your portfolio once again and after seeing your beautiful images..I'm quite blushing..at the quality of mine and that you would take the time to even comment on them> Yours are just so professional..I feel like a first grade child:) I feel quite honored that someone with the abilities that you have would take the time to look at mine. Really! It makes me feel really good. I'll probably never get to meet you in person..but what a pleasure it would be..if by chance...As it is there probably won't be much of an oppurtunity..I don't travel much..but at least I get to see your wonderful pictures of far away lands and those awesome animals! Keep posting..I love looking at your work.