txules .
{K:62768} 11/25/2009
you are the only one got it : what dog? :) thanks so much Kes.....txules
Nelson Moore [Kes] -
{K:20241} 11/25/2009
What dog?
"I enjoy photograpy." ...and everything else has been hashed out already...
Dan TDFoto
{K:8618} 11/21/2009
Love this... well done... I may have cropped out the child walking on the left because it drew my eye away... but that's totally just a taste thing... nicely done... fantastic image.
Leo Régnier Я£
{K:67696} 11/17/2009
F... good picture my friend!!!! Felicitaciones!!! Hey, it's late night in Spain, go sleep... Leo
txules .
{K:62768} 11/16/2009
pues sí Elías lo del perro ha traído cola y nunca mejor dicho :) un abrazo...txules
Elias Monges
{K:6238} 11/16/2009
que polemica imagen...me encanto los unos y los otros...para mi asi como esta yo la dejaba,para que siga el porque del perro asi cortado....un abrazo
神 風
{K:10665} 11/16/2009
Txules: I do not believe he is a 'Careful Man' as he has somewhat attacked your audience with his metaphor. Perhaps some people show their 'True Colours' in a B&W or Gray manner. Anyway, I do not think I am a 'Cook' but a 'Chef' of Photography wouldn't you say ... ? Thanks for sharing this image and allowing me to participate in your ongoing 'Photojournalistic Creativity ...
{K:70138} 11/16/2009
I am ok with the window though :)
I think now it's becoming a bit like 'too many cooks spoiling the broth' :):)
anyway, in the end, a good street shot ! peace, Avi
M jalili
{K:69009} 11/15/2009
My regards ...............
derin deniz
{K:3544} 11/15/2009
cute capture.... love it txules thanks,M
luis pereira
{K:26013} 11/15/2009
I don't know Sunset. I have no idea.
luis pereira
{K:26013} 11/15/2009
I don't know Sunset. I have no idea.
K r i s h n e n d u - The NoOne
{K:12059} 11/15/2009
No. Jd you are wrong...it was my poor english :( i wanted to mean framing and written crop :) sorry for the misunderstanding :)
txules .
{K:62768} 11/14/2009
bueno pues me alegro que te guste el perro, porque estaba perdiendo por goleada, ahora me siento un poco mejor, a mi me gusta, pero si todo el mundo dice que no será por algo gracia por el apoyo :) muxus....txules
Malules Fernandez
{K:54810} 11/14/2009
Esta es de las buenas tuyas!!! Excelenteee, querido amigo!! Como veo que hay debate, me apunto a opinar. Básicamente estoy con Luis. Pero incluso la ventana, yo la dejaría. Quizás el detallito del suelo, pero realmente ni me molesta. Total: Estupenda!! besos, Malules
txules .
{K:62768} 11/14/2009
thanks so much Kallol...my best....txules
txules .
{K:62768} 11/14/2009
Ok Doug, you can see my reply to Luis; I shall reconsider my framing next time as you can see Avi speaks volumes if neccessary but also he is a careful man, a fine balance thanks for the comment and rework, very good indeed my best....jd
txules .
{K:62768} 11/14/2009
Ok my dear Luis, I see I've lost the battle :), Avi, you and others reputed shooters don't like the inclusion of the half dog, that was intentionally done, I surrender thanks for the input but I'm so stubborn :) parabéns
txules .
{K:62768} 11/14/2009
thanks Yazeed...txules
Kallol Majumdar
{K:27691} 11/14/2009
Wonderful smile of the kids...lovely tonality... Best wishes
神 風
{K:10665} 11/14/2009
Txules (via Luis) whom I agree with and perhaps the attached is the best way to go, but my most important concern is why Avi is afraid to speak up ...

luis pereira
{K:26013} 11/14/2009
My dear friend, it seems you hesitated between a closer shot of the children or one of the children and the dog (the whole dog). Unfortunately you got neither one. Incorporating the dog is very tempting but those smiles can't be ignored. I would go just for the children. Have a nice weekend.
M jalili
{K:69009} 11/14/2009
A big work really my dear 7/7.....................
txules .
{K:62768} 11/14/2009
thanks so much Fabrice....txules
{K:61359} 11/14/2009
Nice composition with these 3 different levels. I like the smiling children in the middle.. A nice chidren shot my friend. Compliments
txules .
{K:62768} 11/14/2009
....forgot to tell you that Luis does not like the window, as you can see we all have our own vision.....fortunately :) jd
txules .
{K:62768} 11/14/2009
yes Krish in my poor English I have difficulties to differentiate "cropping" (for me is an action taken during postprocess) from framing (at the time of taken the picture) but perhaps I'm wrong jd
K r i s h n e n d u - The NoOne
{K:12059} 11/14/2009
Actually by crop i meant the crop you did in the camera :) I really liked it :) and yah...you are right, thats the key element in the shot :) very unusual composition :)
my best...Krishnendu.
txules .
{K:62768} 11/14/2009
jeje, it's pity you do not understand spanish because i had a similar discussion with Luis, for me you are partially right, I do agree about the boy on the bkg (I was tempted to clone him out, however Luis says it's fine, he also loves the dog) but disagree about the dog, really love it; I was not taken in a hurry I took many pictures of these kids but the dog was there like a bodyguard, it looks at the camera directly protecting the kids well this is just my opinion, but understand that the framing of the picture is unusual and not the cup of tea of many but I prefer much more a good Arabic cup of coffee ... and please do not be silent :))) jd
{K:70138} 11/14/2009
sorry JD, the position of the dog in the frame does not work for me. that, plus the loose body language of the kid walking into the frame does not work. To me, it seems like for a while the photographer was in dilemma whether to zoom in and go for only the four kids, or to include some part of the environment. the shot was probably taken in a bit of a hurry (not to lose the moment) and in that hurry, the dilemma remained.
Of course, it is completely my own interpretation. best, avi
P.S. nowadays, I am a bit afraid to speak up.. :):):)
txules .
{K:62768} 11/14/2009
Hi Krish, thanks for the comment, I cropped the image in its horizontal dimension from the left side, the dog was there in its actual position, actually I feel it's the key ellement in this shot my best....txules
K r i s h n e n d u - The NoOne
{K:12059} 11/14/2009
unique crop :) liked it :) great tonality...
txules .
{K:62768} 11/14/2009
bueno, los niños molestan a veces bastante más que los perros, por eso nosotros no tenemos ni unos ni otros :)))))) lo de la ventana no lo veo claro, lo pensaré, pero es que sou muy miope cuídate colega....txules
Luis Steinberg (EFIAP)
{K:21250} 11/14/2009
Bueno...en realidad lo dejaría allí, si el perro no molesta porque habría de molestar ese niño, pareciera ser un trabajo medio bizarro, lo que si sacaría es la ventana medio cortada de la derecha arriba simplemente copiando un pedazo de pared y pegándola arriba con otra capa...esa ventana no aporta a la escena ni a la pared y por el contrario distrae...es mi opinión...(que como tu sabes tiene la autoridad de un sexagenario..JAJAJAJAJAJJAAAA!!!) (ESTÁ DIVERTIDO ESTE SABADO...) luis
txules .
{K:62768} 11/14/2009
thanks Mr. Irony :) txules
txules .
{K:62768} 11/14/2009
thanks so much Bubai....txules
txules .
{K:62768} 11/14/2009
tienes toda la razón, el perro está ahí de forma deliberada, de hecho creo que es el elemento clave de la foto; tienes razón en el clonado de la mancha blanca, lo haré; me gusta la foto pero no tengo claro la presencia del niño del fondo, ¿lo quitarías? un abrazo Luis....txules
Luis Steinberg (EFIAP)
{K:21250} 11/14/2009
Como te conozco viejo lobo de mar TRANSGRESOR siempre y por las dudas MAS!!! por si alguien no se da cuenta, incluso tu mismo (jajajajja)
Solo se trata de ese perro adelante que has dejado de modo deliberado y que PARECE un error y desde un enfoque orrtodoxo lo es...pero es demasiado grueso para que se trate de un "error.." mas bien asumo que EL acierto, en realidad exhibe la "POSE" de los chicos, para la foto y aquello de que alguien se cruza enel mejor momento y el perro está manchado (en su piel) y ademaS el corte...Le da un aspecto bresoniano (por su espontaneidad callejera) de la calidad tonal no hablamos, solo se trata del valor de la escena, el gran angular le agrega una cuota de encanto Y los niños del Norte argentino son encantadores, creo que todos los son (pero es una expresión medio vulgar...esa de los niños..jajajajaja).- (No te cuesta nada clonar esa luz de la izquierda en el piso...)Abrazos para ti y afecto especial para Aranxita.- LUIS
socratic irony
{K:809} 11/14/2009
very nice.. regards.
Aungsita Chatterjee
{K:19843} 11/14/2009
excellent........JD regards bubai.