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Amela 02
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Image Title:  Amela 02
Favorites: 0 
 By: Nanda Baba das  
  Copyright ©2009

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Photographer Nanda Baba das  Nanda Baba das {Karma:78053}
Project N/A Camera Model Nikon D300
Categories Portrait
Film Format Digital RAW
Portfolio Portrait
Lens Nikkor 16-85 VR
Uploaded 10/27/2009 Film / Memory Type CMOS
    ISO / Film Speed 200
Views 920 Shutter
Favorites Aperture f/
Critiques 38 Rating
/ 7 Ratings
Location City -  Sarajevo
State - 
Country - Bosnia and Herzegovina   Bosnia and Herzegovina
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There are 38 Comments in 1 Pages
Nanda Baba das Nanda Baba das   {K:78053} 11/8/2009
Hvala Nevene.


Neven S. Neven S.   {K:1642} 11/8/2009
vrlo lepa fotografija, odlicno uradjeno,
pozdrav od Makedonija i havala na tvoj koment ;)


Nick Karagiaouroglou Nick Karagiaouroglou   {K:127263} 11/5/2009
I resize my images from about 4000 x 4000 down to about 850 x 850, Nanda. And I never had such artefacts through that. But I did have artefacts when I was trying to raise sharpness to such unnatural degrees. This is called oversharpening and not resizing.

Oh, and not to forget while we are at that, make sure to check "no sharpening" when you upload images. It seems that this input is not thought as a declaration of the sharpening that one did to the image before uploading, but much more as an instruction to the server about hiw much sharpening it should do *automatically* to the image before insering it into the database.

Which means that if you already sharpened the image to some good degree, and then check for example the option "medium" for sharpening, the server will re-sharpen the image to a medium degree. And then of course this sharpening is added to the sharpening that you did, with unpredictable results.

I do find this functionality of UF good to have, but they should really describe it a bit more detailed, since as it is now, one might also think that it is only an input for saying how strong the image was sharpened by the photographer.



Nanda Baba das Nanda Baba das   {K:78053} 11/2/2009
Should take into account that this is an image that is obtained by reducing the original (2848x4288 to 700x1054), so that your assessment is not the best. Thank you for your comment, I love these comments.


Nick Karagiaouroglou Nick Karagiaouroglou   {K:127263} 11/1/2009
It was quite good as you shot it, Nanda. Perhaps some overexposure on some high reflecting parts but nothing that couldn't be turned perfect by slightly burning here and there. The extreme "sharpening" that you applied wasn't necessary - it is not "the more the better". Especially when the original image already shows the start of pixelation on some contours (like for example the inner contour of her left arm against her black shirt) it is not advantageous to raise "sharpness" even more. And I write the word in double quotes since this is exactly one of the main problems that the breave new photoshop world brought with it. There is no "more sharpness" than that which way captured with the camera/lens - a bit of knowledge about optics and "sharpening" algorithms would do good, *before* using the sliders of PS.




Nanda Baba das Nanda Baba das   {K:78053} 10/30/2009
Thanjs Nick. This is original photo. Regards


Nanda Baba das Nanda Baba das   {K:78053} 10/30/2009


Nick Karagiaouroglou Nick Karagiaouroglou   {K:127263} 10/29/2009
This was a good one, Nanda! Good exposure balance for getting the nice gradients and also quite a good mood and timing for the shot. But it *was* a good one before your "retouch" destroyed it. I guess that you overused some kind of extra sharpening since the contours are very stronly pixelated like for example on her hands, eyes, and so on. The rectangular pixel groups are not just "visible", they really scream as witnesses of that coarse attitude of artificial digital exaggeration of sharpness. Can you attach the original please?




Nanda Baba das Nanda Baba das   {K:78053} 10/29/2009
Thank you dear Javed. Best wishes


Javed Rassi Javed Rassi   {K:8223} 10/28/2009
I like this photo, good contrast and capture, thanks.


Nanda Baba das Nanda Baba das   {K:78053} 10/28/2009
Thank you dear Gustavo. Best wishes


Gustavo Scheverin Gustavo Scheverin   {K:164501} 10/28/2009
Un retrato muy agradable y simpático.


Nanda Baba das Nanda Baba das   {K:78053} 10/28/2009
Thank you my dear friend. Best wishes


Kallol Majumdar Kallol Majumdar   {K:27691} 10/28/2009
Beautiful portrait...lovely expression and pose...nice in monochrome...
Best wishes


Nanda Baba das Nanda Baba das   {K:78053} 10/27/2009
Thank you Massimo. Best wishes


Nanda Baba das Nanda Baba das   {K:78053} 10/27/2009
Thank you Teresa. Best wishes


Massimo Di Maggio Massimo Di Maggio   {K:-53658} 10/27/2009
Very nice pose, I like her expression and dress.


Teresa Ferraris Teresa Ferraris   {K:16126} 10/27/2009
Very beautiful photo of such a nice and beautiful girl.


Nanda Baba das Nanda Baba das   {K:78053} 10/27/2009
Tek kako sa ja neozbiljan. Evo ti moja e-majlirana adresa, pa ako zelis mozemo na taj nacin malo komunicirati. Bice mi drago.

Puno pozdrava


Srna Stankovic Srna Stankovic   {K:172232} 10/27/2009
Da, to je na zalost u danasnje vreme bas tako !!!
Mozda ja ovde delujem previse neozbiljno, ali veruj mi da je moj odnos sa Davidom bas kao i tvoj sa svojim cerkama.
Topao pozdrav,


Nanda Baba das Nanda Baba das   {K:78053} 10/27/2009
Svakako u to ne sumnjaj. U danasnje vrijeme dosta roditelja zapostavi kontak s djecom ili je taj kontak jako grub (to ja primjetim, jer dosta radim s djecom). Interesantno je kada me djeca malo bolje upoznaju, jednostavno se pocnu otvarati, pricati svoje probleme, traziti savjete, sve ono sto ne mogu sa svojim roditeljima. S mojom djecom sam drug i ne pokusavam biti neki strogi otac.
Puno pozdrava


Srna Stankovic Srna Stankovic   {K:172232} 10/27/2009
I eto kako tati jos ne moze da bude nikako dosadno ... rad, rad i samo rad od rane zore do kasno u noc ... hvala na odgovoru i prelepo je imati cerke :)
Moja velika neostvarena zelja je cerka, ali ostali smo na Davidu, neka je on nama samo ziv, zdrav, pametan i znas sve ono ostalo sto im zelimo ... :-)))
Puno puno puno pozdrava :)
ps: izljubi im pametne glavice :-)


Nanda Baba das Nanda Baba das   {K:78053} 10/27/2009
Thank you Dave. Best wishes


Dave Stacey Dave Stacey   {K:150877} 10/27/2009
An interesting and fun portrait, Nanda!


Nanda Baba das Nanda Baba das   {K:78053} 10/27/2009
Thank you my dear frined for your nice comment. Best wishes


Nanda Baba das Nanda Baba das   {K:78053} 10/27/2009
U februaru iduce godine, tacnije 4. Feb., a mladja kcerka 12 godina u julu iduce godine. Starija se upisala na Bosansko-Turski koledž i druga je godina, a mladja ide u jednu privatnu osnovno skolu, jer su ove drzavne katastrofa.
Hvala na komentaru.
Topli pozdrav


Jan  Iwo   {K:6133} 10/27/2009
Excellent B&W photo. Beautiful conception. Fantastic composed. Real art, I like it.7++++. Congrats. Regards. Jan.


Srna Stankovic Srna Stankovic   {K:172232} 10/27/2009
Sva je lovely sto bi rekli Englezi :-)))
Dopada mi se taj vragolasto mladalacki osmeh ociju i ozareno lice pri poziranju ...

Za nekoliko meseci ... a kada ? Pitam jer ce moj David u januaru napuniti 15 godina :)

Topli pozdravi Nanda :)



Nanda Baba das Nanda Baba das   {K:78053} 10/27/2009
Thank you dear Stan. Best wishes


Stan  Hill Stan  Hill   {K:35352} 10/27/2009
Nice, fun portrait with a beautiful smile and woman. Sweet shot.
be well, Stan


Nanda Baba das Nanda Baba das   {K:78053} 10/27/2009
Thank you dear Erland. Best wishes


Erland Pillegaard Erland Pillegaard   {K:34147} 10/27/2009
Sweet girl and portrait


Nanda Baba das Nanda Baba das   {K:78053} 10/27/2009
Thank you my dear friend. Best wishes


Nanda Baba das Nanda Baba das   {K:78053} 10/27/2009
Hvala Radovane. pozdrav


Malules Fernandez Malules Fernandez   {K:54810} 10/27/2009
Excellent my friend!!


Radovan Magdalenic Radovan Magdalenic   {K:32881} 10/27/2009
Excellent Nanda.Pozdrav.


Nanda Baba das Nanda Baba das   {K:78053} 10/27/2009
Thank you Harry. Best wishes


Wolf Zorrito Wolf Zorrito   {K:78768} 10/27/2009
lovely Nanda, and i prefer this above the previous one ( with noise ), much better !




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