I'm afraid not to be able to reply your comments and even not able to see them easily ! ... I will try my best to find a way to pass the walls and breath in a free green environment ! ... Thanks in advance for your clever critiques, comments, suggestions, and commands ! ... Many thanks for my dearest Saad to assist uploading ! ... Aziz
I am sure you will find the way to pass the walls and breath in a free green environment my dear ZiZ !!! Wish you cleverness, safety, courage, health !!! Wonderful POV and presentation !!! Hugs :) Srna
Hi Aziz, I am so glad to be able to serve a dear friend, and so pleased to see your name here again, a great concept of the color and essence of the green,hope it will prevails over all other colors,I am still drown in the black color with some stains of red. be fine and well, Saad.