Judson Borges
{K:6727} 9/25/2009
Thanks for your feedback Paul. I hope you've managed to recover your lens. I figured something had happened that was beyond your control, because I know your portfolio and know that you are very demanding of your posts. I quote "catching the suspect", "Easter murder mystery" and "Oh .. No!!" as some of my favorites and all have good contrast and very good colors. I can say that this picture is excellent, as all the factors that did not depend on the equipment are impeccable, and I stopped to comment because it really caught my attention. I loved especially the symmetry of your capture. A big hug and a great weekend,
Paul de Beukelaar
{K:26449} 9/25/2009
Hi Judson, thanks a lot for taking the time to describe what you mean. You are right and honest what I appreciate very much. You have to know that this image from Summer 2008 was taken with a handicap you correctly noticed. The colour and contrast was reduced because I previously had an accident with by Lumix, built in Leica lens. It fall in the water during a kayak trip shortly before. Even after drying for a week some blur remained and the inside lens system needed cleaning. Once more many thanks for going over the point, feeling uncomfortable and making it worth to me learning from this, enjoy your weekend, Paul
Judson Borges
{K:6727} 9/25/2009
The capture is great, you did a great job with composition, all the subjects are well distributed, the PoV is good and you have a good bright, but in my opinion it should have had a little more contrast and more color. I hope this comment, asked by you (not comfortable to me do it), can help and remember that the rate, in my opinion, is just one way to stimulate our posts and not classify them as better or worse. Keep with the good job, that one was my last rate, I prefer to let the experts who have most conditions to do a critical analysis. I still have much to learn and just want to share what little I know. Best wishes, Judson. ;)
Paul de Beukelaar
{K:26449} 9/25/2009
Hey Judson, thanks for showing up. Something in the image could have been done better in your opinion. What was it ? You did not tell me. I observe and analyse as photography often helps me in this. The 5 previous observers (B%W or coloured) rated this image a 7. If the 6th observer (you :-) makes the average a 6.75 means you judged it a 6. In that case I would expect some constructive criticism in your comment. Please tell me what aspect deviated from majority made it less for you. What was missing or what did you expect more ? Have a nice weekend, Paul
Paul de Beukelaar
{K:26449} 9/25/2009
Hi John, still thank you very much for your always useful and valued comments. Very appreciated, have a nice weekend.
Judson Borges
{K:6727} 9/25/2009
They are the "real" black and white :) I liked the lines and people in the frame too. Best regards, Judson.
John Hatz
{K:156973} 9/17/2009
Very nice frame... really well placed the main subjects about the cows and the mill - humans at the sides.
Paul de Beukelaar
{K:26449} 9/17/2009
Thank you Janina, a landscape filled with lively activity. cheers, Paul
Janina Fikus
{K:5544} 9/16/2009
Beautiful landscape.
Paul de Beukelaar
{K:26449} 9/15/2009
Hi Ania, glad you liked this typical Dutch summer landscape. All the seasons have their own charm. So nothing lost in Autumn. Land, water and people all such visible here even an attraction for curious cows, hugs and kisses, Paul
Paul de Beukelaar
{K:26449} 9/15/2009
Hi Harry glad you liked this one. Yes cows are curious animals... Are you curious ? ha ha, enjoy your day, Paul
Paul de Beukelaar
{K:26449} 9/15/2009
Hi Nicki, glad that you also visited Noord-Holland. It is so typical Dutch sometimes and much more to see than only in towns as Amsterdam and Volendam which get all the tourist´s credit. Wish you a very nice day too, hugs and kisses, Paul
Paul de Beukelaar
{K:26449} 9/15/2009
This 2-legged photographer thanks you very much for your funny comment Saad. By the way : Never thought about using a tripod ? Sometimes when I really need one I realize I have one still at home in a cabinet :-) have a nice day, Paul
Paul de Beukelaar
{K:26449} 9/15/2009
Hallo Riny, bedankt voor je bezoek en commentaar. Een bezoek aan de provincie Noord-Holland vind ik altijd een belevenis er is zoveel te zien en te beleven, Hollandse wortels hè, en ik snap daarom ook niet dat zoiemand als Harry Borghouts daar dan ook geen commisaris van de koningin meer wil zijn :-) vriendelijke groet, Paul
Ania Zielińska-Hoşaf
{K:61374} 9/13/2009
Beautiful and peaceful place; nice presentation of the cows looking with such curiosity ;)
Best wishes, Ania
Wolf Zorrito
{K:78768} 9/13/2009
Looks a bit like volendam. Cows are curious animals ! Good shot.
Nicole Besch
{K:72664} 9/12/2009
I was there some years ago and I have to agree that it is a wonderful place to be,quiet and peaceful.Only have to take care on the spinning wheels I'm not habituated with them.But it's a nice capture to see them.I have to smile about the cows:)They are looking at all the people as they would say what the hell are they doing here:))A very nice landscape image with plenty of good details and a beautiful composition!! Very well taken and I guess that it was a nice day. Warm hugs and a nice weekend, Nicki
Saad Salem
{K:89003} 9/11/2009
I have noticed some four legged pedestrians have been carried in a two wheeled carriage driven by a two legged pedestrians, and some two legged pedestrians are also carried but by four wheeled carriage driven by the two legged most powerful pedestrians ever walked on the planet , beautiful shot,idea,and title, be well, Saad.
Riny Koopman
{K:102911} 9/11/2009
Hallo Paul,Er wordt wel eens gezegd dat alles waar Nederland beroemd om is, te vinden is in de provincie Noord-Holland. Natuurlijk wordt dit vooral uitgesproken door de Noord-Hollanders zelf (en even zo vaak sceptisch aangehoord door de rest van nuchter Nederland), maar toch: alle kenmerken die karakteristiek zijn voor Nederland, lijken aanwezig te zijn in Noord-Holland ... GR,Riny