Marcus Vianna
{K:4552} 10/9/2009
Thanks for your visity. Grzegoz Best Wishes Marcus
Grzegorz Markowski
{K:6537} 10/7/2009
oryginal and interesting compo :)
Marcus Vianna
{K:4552} 9/8/2009
Kevin, your comment is a great disclaims me that I am a little amateur photographer with a single device. Thank you very much for your kind words. Marcus
{K:8657} 9/8/2009
love this and all your other work well done on a great portfolio
Marcus Vianna
{K:4552} 9/8/2009
Thanks Dan, for your coments and your visits. Marcus
Dan TDFoto
{K:8618} 9/7/2009
Love the dynamics of this!!
Wolf Zorrito
{K:78768} 9/4/2009
Wow, bella donna ;-)
Marcus Vianna
{K:4552} 9/1/2009
Thanks Kallol.
Kallol Majumdar
{K:27691} 9/1/2009
Nice shot...excellent composition... Best wishes
Marcus Vianna
{K:4552} 9/1/2009
Muito grato pela visita e pelos elogio grande amigo amigo Gustavo! Aproveitei a luz da manhã de um dia bem quente e tive que chegar bem perto do chão para conseguir esse belo ângulo, alguns ralados no joelho mas acho que o resultado foi satisfatório!... :) Forte abraço!
Marcus Vianna
{K:4552} 9/1/2009
Very thanks Vehbi. I am very happy for having liked and to admire this type of composition. Marcus
Gustavo Scheverin
{K:164501} 9/1/2009
Muy buena la composición, la luz era excelente en ese momento.
vehbi dileksiz
{K:37355} 8/31/2009
Excellent portrait in great composition. Love it...7/7... Congrats. Best wishes... vehbi...
Marcus Vianna
{K:4552} 8/31/2009
Gary thank you for your loving comment and your visit ... The summer sun in the morning in Brazil is really very strong in allowing bright lights and good contrasted ... the rest was due to the love I feel for the beautiful model ... ;) Marcus
Billy Bloggs
{K:51043} 8/30/2009
Love the composition and use of the strong light (nice model too) Regards, Gary