Roger Skinner
{K:81846} 8/8/2009
yeah perhaps Wayne.. I think (having returned home) and seen some of my trip shots on the 24" monitor that my laptop monitor is not as good as the big fella.. stands to reason I spose.. tho both are calibrated also.. the camera is underexposing by about a stop I reckon.. I ended up shoot in all the really good shots I wanted as RAW so I could pull the hell out of them when I got home and also all the one I was really concentrating on getting I shot on manual mode at one stop O/Exposed, to counteract the cameras sh1t light meter.. dont buy Canon.. they're crap kekeke. Accordingly dealing with muddy looking images that were underexposed I went for B&W a bit.. plus the landscape well, I mean the coastal shots at any rate, were almost two tone.. murky dull greens and pale orange to grey rocks... so yeah.. having abit of fun experimenting in PS in terms of trying to reproduce the tonality of a Hasselblad print... sheesh
Wayne Harridge
{K:18292} 8/7/2009
I think you must be seeing in b&w lately Roger - another great shot.
Fabio Keiner
{K:81109} 8/5/2009
Roger Skinner
{K:81846} 7/30/2009
Thanks mate..nedless to say I had you in mind when I was processing it...
Owen O'Meara
{K:10503} 7/30/2009
Beautiful mate. The texture in the foreground is fantastic.
Roger Skinner
{K:81846} 7/30/2009
thanks as ever Mark for your support
Roger Skinner
{K:81846} 7/30/2009
thanks for the look and the comment Luis
luis pereira
{K:26013} 7/29/2009
Those trees are posing for you. Great composition Roger.
Gustavo Scheverin
{K:164501} 7/29/2009
Excelente toda la serie, me gusta mucho. Un abrazo!
david henderson
{K:16659} 7/29/2009
Hey Roger, I love the trees, you have made some good pictures that capture the atmosphere and remoteness of the place with a nice '1930's feel about them, to me, anyway, there is an old car with spoked wheels just out of the picture and a guy in a tweed suit and gaiters.....etc., it's good, thanks. david.
Mark Southcombe
{K:2910} 7/29/2009
Excellent. Great lighting.