On the radio I remember the advertisments for promotion of eating meat. They suggested meat contains necessary elements and building nutrients for the body like vitamins and minerals. The commercial was paid for by the European Comittee.
Well, if you think meat in the shop is real meat, read following and be shocqued. All minerals, vitamins, nutrients etc are gone !
The commercial was one big lie. Paid for by our tax money. Oh, amd a famous bank recently announced they will put the customer on priority # 1 again. I think the Gobal Economy stystem is SICK, GREEDY, LYING, EXPLOITING CIVILIANS WORLDWIDE and ready to collapse as the Roman Empire did. So now the question, what is a better solution. Communism ? A Kingdom ? Like North Korea ? Living in harmony with the nature comes in my mind ! As the native indians did in the USA. Any other suggestions ? ==========================================
Applications in Industry
Rigor mortis is very important in meat technology. The onset of rigor mortis and its resolution partially determines the tenderness of meat. If the post-slaughter meat is immediately chilled to 15°C (59°F), a phenomenon known as cold shortening occurs, where the muscle shrinks to a third of its original size. This will lead to the loss of water from the meat along with many of the vitamins, minerals, and water soluble proteins. The loss of water makes the meat hard and interferes with the manufacturing of several meat products like cutlet and sausage.
Cold shortening is caused by the release of stored calcium ions from the sarcoplasmic reticulum of muscle fibers in response to the cold stimulus. The calcium ions trigger powerful muscle contraction aided by ATP molecules. To prevent cold shortening, a process known as electrical stimulation is carried out, especially in beef carcass, immediately after slaughter and skinning. In this process, the carcass is stimulated with alternating current, causing it to contract and relax, which depletes the ATP reserve from the carcass and prevents cold shortening. ll
Nooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooo ! We are in New Zealand alive waiting for caviar and champaign from our friend mr Kingky hahahahaha mni chumu tomar Harry