Kye Emrys
{K:134} 8/26/2003
I love the tenderness expressed here. the texture you've used is fantastic. this is the 'shy side' of jay & I love it.
shelby koning
{K:5450} 6/12/2003
beautiful work, curling in on oneself - in the womb we learn restraint as we begin to run out of room... never again will we be so close to ourselves... except perhaps here...
james mckenna
{K:6535} 6/11/2003
beautiful! a masterful composition with excellent tone.
ana ribeiro
{K:21290} 6/10/2003
good !
Jonathan Kane
{K:10641} 6/9/2003
wonderful tones. great image!
j w
{K:12641} 6/4/2003
Nice texture here, Jay, and I love the way the body parts don't really make sense right off. Pushes it into almost abstract for me. Very nicely done, well balanced, pleasing image.
Andrew Caldwell
{K:18307} 6/4/2003
After your previous goofy self shot, this post, coming right after, is a great testament to your range of expression, both as a photographer and as a model. Love the softness of the texture, which matches the softness of the tone and expression. So much of your work is harsh and artistically so, but here you show a very interestingly different side. Fine fine work.
Gian Orso
{K:1814} 6/4/2003
One of your best portrait, Jay. You look so vulnerable here....
Jay Gumm
{K:3084} 6/4/2003
haha yes, my life in one big silent orgy with myself, lol
Fabio Keiner
{K:81109} 6/4/2003
jay fallen in love with himself an everlasting neverending silent orgy :)
Suvomoy Mitra
{K:8369} 6/4/2003
strong self analysis..how do u do it?