Erwyn's Image
{K:422} 3/14/2009
hello Peta! you've created quite a discussion on a these images :) thanks for your view. I am going to shoot them again next week...
Erwyn's Image
{K:422} 3/14/2009
thank you for the thoughtful response. I am shooting again next week :)
jacques brisebois
{K:73883} 3/13/2009
WOW, even more attractive capture. So nice, it's sexy and it's a so nice contact of a mother and her child... perfect work my friend.
Jason Mckeown
{K:22200} 3/12/2009
It took some time for me to realise what was bugging me about this ,and the shot following, and Peta hit it on the head. Technically thesed are good shots, but you won't find many mother & child shots out there where the mother is not looking at the child, who is in most cases the centre of their universe at that time. This is what is missing out of these shots, as Peta said the connection is missing. Mate if you grab these pair again and take the shots with a connection between the pair you'll see it yourself that the photos will have more emotion and power than these current two, and the mother will love them more and have more meaning to her especially with what was mentioned in the later shot about the twins. cheers Jason
Erwyn's Image
{K:422} 3/12/2009
I would have to agree.... with all you say.
p e t a .
{K:18700} 3/12/2009
Sure she's beautiful, but there's no connection with the baby (who looks most uncomfortable). The gap in the sheet bugs me too.
Erwyn's Image
{K:422} 3/11/2009
Thank you Alfredo... she's in Love :)
Erwyn's Image
{K:422} 3/11/2009
keep it up Rob. my ego is outgrowing my house thanks to you!
Erwyn's Image
{K:422} 3/11/2009
thank you Bubai. mommy was easy. it was the baby that I had to work on!
Erwyn's Image
{K:422} 3/11/2009
Thank you Aylin!
Erwyn's Image
{K:422} 3/11/2009
thank you for your kind word and visit
Alfredo Piñeyro
{K:6609} 3/11/2009
Hermosa captura, muy cargada de sentimientos. Muy dulce retrato. Saludos AP
Rob Graziano
{K:6678} 3/11/2009
I really love this shot! It's sexy & a beautiful/touching scene all at the same time. I've been a big fan of your work from the beginning and it's work like this that should make it clear to anyone how good you are.
Aungsita Chatterjee
{K:19843} 3/11/2009
fabulous.............. nicee expression. regards bubai.
{K:13273} 3/11/2009
Yes, this very wondefull shot. I love it :) Nice models and great composition :) 7/7 Congrats Aylin
LeAnne Eden
{K:1683} 3/10/2009
Sad but true but no your poicture is great too
Erwyn's Image
{K:422} 3/10/2009
that's the secret :)... photograph beautiful people and everybody automatically thinks you are a great photographer
LeAnne Eden
{K:1683} 3/10/2009
Beautiful,amazing and haveing beautiful people helps..i love it
siamak jafari
{K:20075} 3/10/2009
very attractive,so emotional.