txules .
{K:62768} 9/10/2010
coming from you I'm truly honoured txules
Mikael Leijon
{K:2224} 9/10/2010
Your images are amazing. Thanks for sharing it!!
txules .
{K:62768} 3/7/2009
grazie, Gennaro txules
soul 21
{K:27572} 3/6/2009
ci sono Fotografie, come la tua, che arrivano dentro..... che registrano e portano desideri, ambizioni, sogni in occhi così veri e disponibili che imbarazza guardarli.... vedi anime senza difesa, vedi come è potente la Fotografia i miei più sinceri complimenti una delle più belle fotografie tra le mie preferite ciao gennaro
Atish Sen
{K:6346} 3/3/2009
excellent documentary. brilliant pp
Gustavo Scheverin
{K:164501} 2/26/2009
Excelente, nada que objetar, de tus mejores trabajos fotográficos. 7/7 sin dudas. Felicitaciones!
Maja Š
{K:17951} 2/26/2009
Marcio Janousek
{K:32538} 2/24/2009
Splendid Txules !! Congratulations boy !! it deserves BIP
{K:7888} 2/24/2009
excellent photo
txules .
{K:62768} 2/24/2009
Hi aZiZ, again you are right, it's one of the flaws of this image, it has some others: a bit oversharpened (if I had had a better camera and shot in RAW mode I could correct it easily), some halos around some of them...no perfect at all but not bad in the end :) take care....txules
txules .
{K:62768} 2/24/2009
yes you are right Luis even though Paco is a genius :) txules
luis pereira
{K:26013} 2/24/2009
Great band when they used an acordion and a cello player. Since then they replaced those instruments with guitar players and Paco de Lucia they're not.
aZiZ aBc
{K:28345} 2/23/2009
A masterpiece, for its subject, mode, clarity, exposure, .. I feel an unbalancy between right and left in its composition , BUT the shot is so great. 7+ Aziz
txules .
{K:62768} 2/23/2009
actually it has some flaws you would never find in a work by the master but i appreciate your words, a Salgados book, a good coffe (forget the horrendous american coffee) with a good song by Madredeus for example from their LP O Paraiso must be a MUST take care....txules
luis pereira
{K:26013} 2/23/2009
I truly would love to say something nice but I never know what to say about photographs like this one. Beautiful? Yes...if you enjoy hunger. Excellent? Yes...if you feel comfortable with chronic fear. A thought just came up. I got one of those coffee table books by Sebastião Salgado and I would not be surprised if this image was there. Um Abraço
txules .
{K:62768} 2/23/2009
yes Gary, a timeless picture and that's the problem, their poverty has not changed for centuries thanks so much for your wise words as always jd
Billy Bloggs
{K:51043} 2/23/2009
Great shot, I like the naturalness, none of that westerner smiling for the camera here. And it's timeless it could have been captured a hundred years ago (with a little grain added). Regards, Gary
txules .
{K:62768} 2/23/2009
thanks so much my dear Shirley, sure you remember some other posted images of these shephers take care....jd
txules .
{K:62768} 2/23/2009
thanks a lot Avi....txules
txules .
{K:62768} 2/23/2009
thanks so much Luca....txules
Shirley D. Cross-Taylor
{K:174151} 2/23/2009
A wonderful group portrait of these children, dear JD.:)
{K:70138} 2/23/2009
good documentary.
Luca Peccerillo
{K:17660} 2/22/2009
Ohhhhhh....This photo is worthy of a cover of the National geographic....really astonishing work. My favorite.....
txules .
{K:62768} 2/22/2009
a mi la verdad es que sus pinturas con colores ocre me parecen fantásticas, pero no entiendo mucho muxus
Malules Fernandez
{K:54810} 2/22/2009
Lo transmite la foto, puedes estar seguro. Barceló, me encanta como pintor. Sus instalaciones últimas, la verdad es que no me emocionan. Siempre lo he seguido, desde que empezó. Las acuarelas y otras obras de Africa, que tuve la suerte de ver en Donosti, son alucinantes! Le tengo mucha envidia, sana, por ese estudio en Mali, donde se seca la pintura si no pintas rápido (risas) muxus y que descanses amigo, Malules
txules .
{K:62768} 2/22/2009
bueno, gracias Malules, ya sabes un pco de photoshop aquí y allá, dodge and burn, un alto contraste, un poco de grano y ya está; pero lo realmente bueno fue estar allí con esa maravillosa gente, Africa es alucinante, por eso Barceló se hizo un casa en el país Dogón en Mali; por cierto ya que eres pintora ¿que te parece Barceló? muxus y feliz descanso que mañana hay que currar (bueno yo no tanto) :) txules
Malules Fernandez
{K:54810} 2/22/2009
Wow!! Espectacular!! Txules, es magnífica. De premio, sin duda! muxus, Malules
txules .
{K:62768} 2/22/2009
Thanks so much Roger, I appreciate your words txules
txules .
{K:62768} 2/22/2009
thanks a lot siamak...txules
txules .
{K:62768} 2/22/2009
thanks so much arian....txules
txules .
{K:62768} 2/22/2009
thanks Paul, it was a fascinating place and people, look at the their raincoats, no shoes at 3500 meters high ....however very kind people even I opened an office, they did not see a doctor for years a wonderful experience anyway but you know what I'm talking; glad to read you enjoyed your visit to Bilbao and hope next time we can meet jd
txules .
{K:62768} 2/22/2009
thanks so much dear Srna...txules
Roger Skinner
{K:81846} 2/22/2009
its weird isnt it.. I am scanning through the recent shots uploaded looking for something worthy of a comment.. so much crap on here these days and I see this as a thumbnail and think wow and then I look at the name.. .. great shot mate great shot..it proves the photographer is what makes the photo not the camera
M jalili
{K:69009} 2/22/2009
All Regards ...........
siamak jafari
{K:20075} 2/22/2009
very interesting image,great.
Amer Jassim
{K:498} 2/22/2009
Very Striking! This is a wonderful photograph, and I don't think it could have been pulled off in any other style. Great job! I amaze of your photos, so story telling and rare. Regards!
arian berisha
{K:13697} 2/22/2009
SUPERB (no comment),,,7+++++++ best regards,,, Arian,,,
Paul Schofield
{K:5970} 2/22/2009
You must know this is something special. The detail is super. The conversion fantastic and the grouping of the children perfect. The mist/cloud obscuring the background adds a lot of atmosphere to this image. I think if the background was visible it may distract from the subjects. Great photojournalism work. Something special.
Srna Stankovic
{K:172232} 2/22/2009
Superb jd !!! Hugs, Srna
txules .
{K:62768} 2/22/2009
thanks so much Ali...txules
txules .
{K:62768} 2/22/2009
gracias Tony....txules
txules .
{K:62768} 2/22/2009
thank you very much Bijit....txules
txules .
{K:62768} 2/22/2009
thanks a lot Saaad....jd
txules .
{K:62768} 2/22/2009
thanks so much Yazeed...txules
txules .
{K:62768} 2/22/2009
grazie Luciano....txules
txules .
{K:62768} 2/22/2009
thanks so much Milos...txules
txules .
{K:62768} 2/22/2009
thanks so much Stan...txules
txules .
{K:62768} 2/22/2009
thanks so much ambenis...txules
txules .
{K:62768} 2/22/2009
thanks so much Anindya...txules
txules .
{K:62768} 2/22/2009
thanks so much Pablo...txules
Ali dewchi
{K:15992} 2/22/2009
Great work regards Ali
Tony Smallman
{K:23858} 2/22/2009
Excelente! Tony
Bijit Bose
{K:5871} 2/22/2009
awesome txules. some of your photos are so very lively, and this is one example of that...the characters are speaking to me.
Saad Salem
{K:89003} 2/22/2009
superb,and so very fine shot,
M jalili
{K:69009} 2/22/2009
Big shot 7+++++++++ .
Luciano Caturegli
{K:6609} 2/22/2009
eccellente foto
Milos Rancic
{K:2919} 2/22/2009
Great shot, Regards, Milos
Stan Ciszek
{K:56854} 2/22/2009
It really deserve for BIP.
Arben Mallaki
{K:10761} 2/22/2009
Excellent picture!!
Anindya Chakraborty
{K:12765} 2/22/2009
Ohooo...this is a special shot for sure. I love the bw processing in this one and offcourse the expressions on the faces of the kids. Especially the 2nd and 3rd from the left. Awesome again and 7/7 from me. One request, would you mind telling me the processing, if it's okay? anindya.chakraborty@gmail.com
Pablo Dylan
{K:63918} 2/22/2009
Great testimonial shot. Excellent work Tx.
txules .
{K:62768} 2/22/2009
thanks Ania...txules
txules .
{K:62768} 2/22/2009
thanks so much Brian, btw I've uploaded some pictures taken with an iphone too, love it you have a terrific folio and I must apologize because this is the first time I comment one of your pictures, but not the last my best...txules
Ania Blazejewska
{K:23981} 2/22/2009
superb tones txules a.
brian underdown
{K:-960} 2/22/2009
im impressed just goes to prove you can take a great shot if you have the imagination and vision . great shot that makes good journalism .brian
txules .
{K:62768} 2/22/2009
thanks so much Anne...txules
RC. Dany
{K:64104} 2/22/2009
Brillant picture !!!!!!!!!! anne...