Malules Fernandez
{K:54810} 2/20/2009
Dear Michele, You are missing. I hope you're well and you've just taken a vacation. A warm hug my friend, Malules
Michele Carlsen
{K:146013} 11/6/2008
Thank You my dear friend Malules for your explanation - and yes I do enjoy your work very much my dear - hugs, michele~
Malules Fernandez
{K:54810} 11/6/2008
Hi Michel, Such as the following, have the same theme. The reflection of the windows in the small window. It's like a poetry of big to fit on the small. In this photo the cables add an element of compositional tension. They are made from the roof of my house in San Sebastian (Basque Country).
Thank you dear friend for all your interest. besos, Malules
Malules Fernandez
{K:54810} 11/6/2008
Grazie per il tuo commento, Teresa. baci, Malules
Teresa Ferraris
{K:16126} 11/6/2008
Bellissima per la sua semplicita!!! ciao teresa
Michele Carlsen
{K:146013} 11/6/2008
This is very interesting dear Malules - I have been studying it and can't seem to figure it out -- which is a good thing as it holds my attention - another very creative work from you ! hugs, Michele~
Malules Fernandez
{K:54810} 11/5/2008
Ha,ha! of course, Harry. But, also did other without cables and also I like. a hug
Wolf Zorrito
{K:78768} 11/5/2008
Ha, thats your style, now I see it. I would have avoided the wires, you dont, on purpose.
Malules Fernandez
{K:54810} 11/5/2008
Grazie mille, caro Paolo. besos, Malules :)
Malules Fernandez
{K:54810} 11/5/2008
My dear Jen! I am still awake ... thank you for your visit and good commentary. Thanks also to tell me things about your trip. Very interesting! You write by mail. Be well. Besos, Malules
Malules Fernandez
{K:54810} 11/5/2008
Hi Marian!! What a joy your comment. Thank you very much, my dear. a hug, Malules
Malules Fernandez
{K:54810} 11/5/2008
Hi Heloiza! What joy! Thanks for your comment. besos, Malules
Malules Fernandez
{K:54810} 11/5/2008
Grazie mille, Luca. Complimenti
Heloiza Averbuck
{K:2488} 11/5/2008
Excellent composition,dear Malules:) besos Heloiza
Malules Fernandez
{K:54810} 11/5/2008
Thanks a lot, dear Ania. I'm glad, as always. be well, Malules
Malules Fernandez
{K:54810} 11/5/2008
Thank you very much, Daniel. regards, Malules
Malules Fernandez
{K:54810} 11/5/2008
Gracias por tu visita Gustavo. un abrazo, Malules
Paolo Corradini
{K:59552} 11/4/2008
curiosa riflessione ed occhio da parte tua brava! ciao besos Paolo
Jen van Wijn
{K:24075} 11/4/2008
Wonderful image my dear Malules! Great reflection and colours! Hugs Jen
Marian Man
{K:80636} 11/4/2008
wow!! a fine abstract shot dear Malules!! well captured and presented!!! bravo!!! all the best Marian
Luca Peccerillo
{K:17660} 11/4/2008
Very nice frame you have an excellent eye! Ciao:)
Ania Blazejewska
{K:23981} 11/4/2008
excellent wall abstract dear Malules be well ania
Daniel Soczewiński
{K:1474} 11/4/2008
Great Photo! Regards Daniel
Gustavo Scheverin
{K:164501} 11/4/2008
Excelente uso de las diagonales. Un abrazo!