Stan Hill
{K:35352} 11/2/2008
You have a ways to go before you would qualify for portly!! I am a big 155lbs lately. Be well, Stan
Martin .
{K:24957} 11/2/2008
Apple is my 2nd favorite... ;)
Now you did it and I have to go get my Blue Bell Vanilla Bean out of the freezer...
Thanks for making me fat,
Stan Hill
{K:35352} 11/2/2008
Marty, was hot apple pie and ice cream. Did not last long!! Be well Dad
Martin .
{K:24957} 11/2/2008
Hey Dad,
You know how much I love live music... Yeah, getting concert captures has to be the toughest of all, with the poor lighting and all...
I would have liked a good peach cobbler, with vanilla ice cream, Please... ;)
Stan Hill
{K:35352} 11/1/2008
Marty, you would have liked this band. Played some Buddy Miles, Savoy Brown and other good blues. I took a few shots with 1600 iso and no flash. Just not enough stage light to get it with out motion blur of band. The colors came out really cool though. I am posting one today. I gave up Halloween many years ago and do not pass it on to Kaden. We just kept him home and made a good dessert. Be well, Dad
Martin .
{K:24957} 11/1/2008
Whoops, Correction... Dah! This was #7 frame after I saw what I did wrong on 1-4... hehehe
Martin .
{K:24957} 11/1/2008
I didn't think about it, but size does matter when your dealing with inches. I figured it out about 1/2 way through, which was only 4 frames, because I only shot 8... ;)
You were 100% right about the DOF, but it wasn't blur... This was the very 1st frame and I'm glad you brought it to my attention.
I haven't done Halloween since I got saved, but it use to be my favorite day years ago. I could have gotten real serious about this while shooting, but the clown is all I could bring myself to do. I have studied this day way too much to enjoy it anymore!
I wish I could have been with you to listen to a good Blues concert... :(
My Best,
Stan Hill
{K:35352} 11/1/2008
Marty, I have been listening and I am learning. I did not realize that size matters. I also did not know that is what you were going for in the shot. Did you have any trick or treaters? I went and watched a Blue Band. Be well, Dad
Martin .
{K:24957} 11/1/2008
Yeah, I got him to do the pouty look and it worked out ok... ;)
I didn't think about the DOF, because when your shooting regular sized people it wouldn't matter which focusing dot was used most things would be in focus.
The other shot was not a freaking blur, so 1/15th has nothing to do with it. Listen and learn my father... hehehe
Martin .
{K:24957} 11/1/2008
Thank you sweety,
Martin .
{K:24957} 11/1/2008
Thank you my friend,
Stan Hill
{K:35352} 11/1/2008
Hi Kid, tell him I am sitting up waiting for him. The s'mores are on the bar'b. Tell him to just come to the burn barrel because it is in the 20's.......This is better than the first, even for good guys 1/15 is still a handful in a pinch. I hope he brushed his teeth, trick or treat, smell my feet!! happy Halloween my son. Be well, dad. Good tones and the pouty look works for me!!
Brigitte R.
{K:25989} 11/1/2008
Oh Marty, you're always clowning around (pun definately intended)... lol
Seriously... good shot and very cute clown. I like the toning you applied. And the DOF is perfect in my opinion.
Best wishes, Brigitte
P.S. I hope he's not a scary clown, like the one from the Twilight Zone - yikes... I think it would scare poor Kaden, but I think Stan would love him! hehe
Marcio Janousek
{K:32538} 11/1/2008
" The Day the Clown Cried " Very good work Martin..congrats.
Martin .
{K:24957} 10/31/2008
I used FxFoto for monochrome on this one. PS is too hard and time consuming, IMHO.
Halloween is why I turned this little fellow out today. You and your family should be blessed by his presents tonight, around 12:00 am... hahaha
Sweet Dreams,
sascha jonack
{K:19715} 10/31/2008
Nice low color effect Martin. Very nice POV. Sascha By the way HAPPY HALLOWEEN