Mojgan Bahasadri
{K:16243} 12/23/2008
Dear Stan, Wish you and yours have a bright and joyful Christmas and a Happy New Year. Warm hug , Mojgan
Stan Hill
{K:35352} 10/3/2008
Thanks Keith, I try to keep fit! I work pretty hard and eat good. this was one of my crazy ideas, the kid in me just had to do it. Be well and thanks, Stan
Keith Growden
{K:29240} 10/3/2008
Hahahaha good one Stan. You look pretty fit. Good to see. Stay that way. Young at heart. Be well. Keith:) :)
Stan Hill
{K:35352} 9/29/2008
Thanks Srna, appreciate the kind words. I am trying to keep up with my 4 1/2 year old grandson on a daily basis. That is my energy boost and also having great people like you to encourage me and my efforts at photography. So glad that you liked my attempt at self portrait in the humor category. I was LMAO when I was doing this. Be well, Stan
Srna Stankovic
{K:172232} 9/29/2008
You do look fantastic dear Stan ... keep your spirit high :-) So positive and beautiful self, love it !!! :=))) You are full of energyyyyyyyyyyyyyyyyyy !!! :-))) My best, Srna
Stan Hill
{K:35352} 9/29/2008
Thanks Mojgan, I can not hide any more. This is the real me. Your shot in the chair inspired me to go one further and actually be in the chair. Your bio picture is more mysterious and funny than this. Just could not resist climbing up into this chair. Be well, Stan
Mojgan Bahasadri
{K:16243} 9/29/2008
Hiiiiiiiiii my dear Stan !!!! :))))))))))))) Soooooooooooooo niceeeeeeeeeeee to meet you !!! :))) Excellent .... I really do love this image!!! Take care, Mojgan
Stan Hill
{K:35352} 9/28/2008
Thanks so much Oscar,your comments are always so welcomed! Thanks for sharing so many of your wonderful images. I always look forward to them! Be well, Stan
Oscar E. Flores H.
{K:7850} 9/28/2008
uy oportuna esta foto llena de colorido y detaLLES. fELICITACIONES
Stan Hill
{K:35352} 9/28/2008
Hi marty, thanks for the advice, With the population of 37 I was on my own. Reflector is on the list if I do not go down the tubes with Wall Street. Tripod, remote switch in left hand and the sun hitting me hard. Hard not too squint, you just thought those were the regular wrinkles didn't you. I had to work at getting in this baby. Be well, stan
Martin .
{K:24957} 9/28/2008
Well your settings are spot on, but you need some fill light for this old buzzard. Get a child to hold a reflector up under your shot and your home free! That will dissipate the shadows on the subjects face and arms! Then crop it a bit more!
Now, that's only a Arkansas recliner, because a Texas recliner would be much bigger... hehehe
Live Strong my Friend,
Julie Salles
{K:22654} 9/27/2008
Yes I did and I KNOW you would be able to pull it off! Now, you would have LYAO if you saw me doing my self...LOL, so hard to do GG but yes I used a remote to fire the shutter and used a teddy bear to focus...haha. Sometimes I would hit the tripod and move it but just for giggles I would sit in anyway and the you would see only a piece of me...hahahaha. It was hysterical! So happy you like it :) Thank you GG.
Stan Hill
{K:35352} 9/27/2008
You did see that light didn't you! At least I know some of the talk, pulling it off might be a different story. That self of you was so awesome. Did you use a remote to trigger that shot? Did you focus on something before you stepped in front of the camera? Thanks for your great responses and you wonderful sense of humor. Be well today, Stan
Julie Salles
{K:22654} 9/27/2008
hahahahahaahahha!!!! Look at you "almost a Rembrant on my right cheek" ;) you go GG! You rock! Good luck with the job on Sunday :) RG
Stan Hill
{K:35352} 9/27/2008
Hi Real girl, hard to keep up with your beauty so I will rely on my style and gift of gab. I only peed my pants laughing while I was doing this shot. Some people pulled over in their car to see what I was doing with the tripod and camera. I told them I was with an add campaign and they bought it. I was almost crying from laughter when they drove away. You would have to know my wicked sense of humor to appreciate me doing the dead pan look and the BS explanation. Thanks for the compliment and enjoying my play. Tough job on late afternoon sun. Almost a Rembrant on my right cheek. Be well, Stan
Stan Hill
{K:35352} 9/27/2008
Thanks Saad. I have fun on a regular basis as I challenge the aging process. I was laughing at myself as I was climbing into this chair. The secret is to think young and not let the constraints of others take hold in one's life. I can not act my age, no fun in being mature and sensible. Wishing you youth in your spirit and mind. Health and happiness to you as well. Be well, Stan
Julie Salles
{K:22654} 9/27/2008
GG, you're so tiny! You look like a kid GG, I can't believe how young you look...wow. Handsome GG :) Be well my dear friend. RG :)
Saad Salem
{K:89003} 9/27/2008
nice,funny,and beautiful, I am writing this and I am laughing,they all comment and spoke about the kid inside,OK no any objection and even more agree with them,but did any one try to sit in your place ? I am laughing about myself imagining me sitting in your place, by the way,is there is bigger,cause I want to be younger, all the health and happiness, Saad.
Stan Hill
{K:35352} 9/27/2008
Thanks Brigitte, having some fun. We are having another week of summer here and I am trying to get as much outside work done as I can. This was taken at about 6PM after I got off a roof I am redoing. This was a way to unwind with my Rebel on the way home. Growing up is not my strong point. Thanks for seeing that little boy. As always, be well, Stan
Stan Hill
{K:35352} 9/27/2008
Hi Wolf, maybe in the grey and bald version. I still feel like one! I saw this chair on the corner a few weeks ago and it got the best of me. I had to do it!! Be well, the short kid.
Brigitte R.
{K:25989} 9/27/2008
Hahahahaha THIS IS GREAT STAN!!!! Look at you... such a happy face........I can tell this experience brought the "little boy" out in you!! I LOVE IT!!!!!!!!!!!! 7/7
Stay young (even if just at heart)... Brigitte :)
Wolf Zorrito
{K:78768} 9/27/2008
Ha, you look like a a 26 year old :-) !
Stan Hill
{K:35352} 9/27/2008
Jacques, I think with a boost he could get in. We might do a family portrait. Be well. Stan
Stan Hill
{K:35352} 9/27/2008
Mitra, my grandson Kaden will not let me grow up. We play hard and it never ceases to amaze me when we are jumping on the trampoline, riding bikes, fishing or what ever. We went skiing last winter and he said let's go fast and make big turns. I see more kid times to come. Be well my friend, Stan
Stan Hill
{K:35352} 9/27/2008
Hi Stan, how do you like me now! What I lack in size I make up for in enthusiasm!! Glad you are back up! Going to look at your post in a few minutes. Be well, Stan
jacques brisebois
{K:73883} 9/27/2008
great self Stan...and a real nice chair. Do you really think Martin will fit in this one??? :)
Stan Hill
{K:35352} 9/27/2008
Hi Paul, being in the Big Sky is even more intimidating. I still have Napoleon beat!! No glamor in this one, except maybe a Carhart work jean add! Be well, Shorty
Stan Hill
{K:35352} 9/27/2008
Hi Ken when they were passing out steroids I thought they said hemorrhoids and I said no thanks. Big heart is my strong point!! Be well, Stubby Stan
Stan Ciszek
{K:56854} 9/27/2008
Hello Stan!!!!!!!!!!!!! Glad to see you again. Best wishes, my friend. St.
Paul Lara
{K:88111} 9/27/2008
Nice to meet you, Stan; I had no idea you were so tiny.
Mitra Nademi-Nassari
{K:28234} 9/27/2008
Keep the kid in you alive dear Stan forever! And never stop working and playing outdoor either. All the best my good friend. Kind regards, Mitra
Ken Phenicie Jr.
{K:6273} 9/27/2008
Great shot Stan, I did not no you were so small (LOL.)
Stan Hill
{K:35352} 9/27/2008
Hi Mitra, I am maturing but refuse to grow up. I have failed to act my age for most of my life. I have always been outside for all of my life. If I am not working in it I am playing in it. Be well, Stan
Mitra Nademi-Nassari
{K:28234} 9/27/2008
Look at you Stan- like a little kid! :) I like it. :) Stan- take a look at my new posting. When I took this shot it reminded me of you! :) May be because I see you as an outdoor man.