City - Going to the Sun State - MONTANA Country - United States
Circ Polarizer. Somebody once said to me, about another photo, "your photo looks like a postcard". I didn't realize until later, that's a burn. But the young muledeer cooperated so nicely that I couldn't resist.
Thankyou, Kim. This was taken at the top of the Going-to-the-Sun highway, in Glacier National Park, USA. The goats and deer there live life surrounded by cameras and tourists, 6 months a year. I think the ungulates benefit from this, as large predators like wolves, wolverine, and even grizzly stay back when challenged by the overwhelming tourist crowds there. This guy didn't even flinch when my obnoxious EOS3 shutter let loose. Like you say, with my wide angle lens, I could have touched the antlers.
LOL at your comment! I'm sure they meant it with the highest respect for your image!
What a beautiful setting! And it looks like you are so close to the deer and it hasn't even noticed. (okay, and looking at your lens you this your own personal trained deer?)