Ania Blazejewska
{K:23981} 8/14/2008
simply beautiful best regards Ania
Teresa Ferraris
{K:16126} 8/11/2008
It's a same? I think you have just to come. Have you been in Europe, before? If not you can see more countries, too, like France, Italy, Spain ect. ciao teresa
Bruce Wertz
{K:2553} 8/11/2008
I don’t know what they are called, but they were everywhere. I would love to see your Poland. Thank you Teresa for in kind words.
Bruce Wertz
{K:2553} 8/11/2008
Thank you my friend Marco.
Bruce Wertz
{K:2553} 8/11/2008
Thank you very much Oscar. Oscar is a great name. It was my grandfather's name.
Bruce Wertz
{K:2553} 8/11/2008
Thank you for your input Michele.
Bruce Wertz
{K:2553} 8/11/2008
Thank you very much Jacques for such kind words. Bruce
Teresa Ferraris
{K:16126} 8/11/2008
Alone, but amazing!!!! I like it very much. What is the name of these blue flowers? I think that we have them in Poland, too. ciao teresa
marco ds
{K:6335} 8/11/2008
Very nice tones, composition and colours, well done my friend! Ciao,
Oscar E. Flores H.
{K:7850} 8/10/2008
Bellos colores contrastantes. Magnifico encuadre. Felicitaciones
Michele Carlsen
{K:146013} 8/10/2008
Nice color floral and DOF .... Good title ! I like it Bruce - a lovely shot !
jacques brisebois
{K:73883} 8/9/2008
very nice colors and contrast, great capture Bruce.