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With the Speed of Light
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Image Title:  With the Speed of Light
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 By: Paul de Beukelaar  
  Copyright ©2008

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Photographer Paul de Beukelaar  Paul de Beukelaar {Karma:26449}
Project #52 Patterns in Nature Camera Model Lumix DMC-FZ50 (Panasonic)
Categories Nature
Film Format Digital JPEG
Portfolio Lens Leica
Uploaded 8/1/2008 Film / Memory Type JPEG
    ISO / Film Speed 100
Views 478 Shutter 1/250
Favorites Aperture f/5.6
Critiques 26 Rating
/ 10 Ratings
Location City -  Broek-in-Waterland
Country - Netherlands   Netherlands
About This is a rare observation of a “Demolished Cow” and I will try to explain why :

History of thoughts about the speed of light :

Until relatively recent times, the speed of light was largely a matter of conjecture.
Empedocles maintained that light was something in motion, and therefore there had to be some time elapsed in travelling.
Aristotle said that, on the contrary, "light is due to the presence of something, but it is not a movement". Furthermore, if light had a finite speed, it would have to be very great; Aristotle asserted "the strain upon our powers of belief is too great" to believe this.
Euclid proposed the emission theory of vision, (also advanced by Ptolemy) where light was emitted from the eye, instead of entering the eye from another source. Using this theory, Heron of Alexandria advanced the argument that the speed of light must be infinite, since distant objects such as stars appear immediately upon opening the eyes.

Early Muslim philosophers initially agreed with the Aristotelian view of the speed of light being infinite. In 1021, however, the Iraqi physicist, Ibn al-Haytham (Alhazen), published the Book of Optics, in which he used experiments to support the intromission theory of vision, where light moves from an object into the eye, making use of instruments such as the camera obscura. This led to Alhazen proposing that light must therefore have a finite speed and that the speed of light is variable, with its speed decreasing in denser bodies. He argued that light is a “substantial matter”, the propagation of which requires time “even if this is hidden to our senses”.
This debate continued in Europe and the Middle East throughout the Middle Ages.

A comment on a verse in the Rigveda by the 14th century Indian scholar Sayana may be interpreted as suggesting an estimate for the speed of light that is in good agreement with its actual speed. In 1574, the Ottoman astronomer and physicist Taqi al-Din agreed with Alhazen that the speed of light is finite, but variable in denser bodies.

In the early 17th century, Johannes Kepler believed that the speed of light was infinite since empty space presents no obstacle to it. Francis Bacon argued that the speed of light was not necessarily infinite, since something can travel too fast to be perceived. René Descartes argued that if the speed of light were finite, the Sun, Earth, and Moon would be noticeably out of alignment during a lunar eclipse. Since such misalignment had not been observed, Descartes concluded the speed of light was infinite. Descartes speculated that if the speed of light was found to be finite, his whole system of philosophy might be demolished.

Conclusion :-) I saw this cow just demolished because the speed of light is now generally be considered to be finite = 3x10**8 m/s
... but if somebody could prove the contrary my theory will not hold any longer. This acording to Popper, my life-time friend in creating temporary truth.
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There are 26 Comments in 1 Pages
biljana mitrovic biljana mitrovic   {K:48110} 8/7/2008
Oh,dear Pol,I almost forgot I've been on was in first half of June :((( and I already need new one .... but working class must work ;))

I really do hope that experiment with animals will stop very soon...and also I do hope your photographic experimental will never stop..really enjoy in them :))

Big hug from belgarde


Paul de Beukelaar Paul de Beukelaar   {K:26449} 8/7/2008
Well Tommaso these cows are moving slowly or not at all, so making a picture of them was not very hard. Thanks for your visit,
enjoy your day,


Paul de Beukelaar Paul de Beukelaar   {K:26449} 8/7/2008
Gracia Jose,
Les images de vaches existeront toujours dans un paysage de vaches qui change tous le temps.
Merci de ta visite,
salut, Paul


Paul de Beukelaar Paul de Beukelaar   {K:26449} 8/7/2008
Glad that you liked my Dutch cow image dear Arif,
Most landscapes have cows for centuries, so even with the speed of light changes are still extremely slow,
best regards,


Paul de Beukelaar Paul de Beukelaar   {K:26449} 8/7/2008
Hope you enjoy your holiday dear Bilja.
No worries anymore about experiments with animals. Simply avoid all cosmetics, back to nature and then these experiments will disappear in some years. Photographic experiments will continue, sometimes shocking, but for us and our animals nearly harmless,
big hugs from Paul


Paul de Beukelaar Paul de Beukelaar   {K:26449} 8/7/2008
Thank you Ania, in the meantime all reflected cows were back reflected to real cows. So don't worry any longer about them,
hugs and kisses, Paul


Paul de Beukelaar Paul de Beukelaar   {K:26449} 8/7/2008
Hi Stan, thanks for your visit. Actually my pictures had no negative impact on milk production as I could believe EU experts. But there is a recent sign that some cow reflections produced extra reflected milk quota nobody accounted for so far,
cheers, Paul


Paul de Beukelaar Paul de Beukelaar   {K:26449} 8/7/2008
Grazie dear Teresa. I'm honoured to be appreciated by an expert of reflections like you,
baci ed abraci,


Paul de Beukelaar Paul de Beukelaar   {K:26449} 8/7/2008
grazia Rino,
Thanks a lot for your appreciation of this reflected cow.
ciao, Paul


Paul de Beukelaar Paul de Beukelaar   {K:26449} 8/7/2008
Thank that you liked the reflection AJ. In the meantime all cows were restored to their original shape. It took me some time,
cheers, Paul


Paul de Beukelaar Paul de Beukelaar   {K:26449} 8/7/2008
Thank you for your visit and appreciation dear Michele. Hope you are doing well and enjoying Summer,
big hugs and kisses from Paul


Paul de Beukelaar Paul de Beukelaar   {K:26449} 8/7/2008
Merci Nicki, ta visite et appréciation est aussi tant appréciée. En ce moment partout des vaches aussi de longue de Samois, belle fleuve ardennaise, région touristique très calme pas loin de chez toi.
gros bisous, Paul


Tommaso Di Falco Tommaso Di Falco   {K:23819} 8/6/2008
Great scientific shot so well argued in your about, Paul.
The image look very well with the rotation and it has a an result so impressive and unusual.



Jose Ignacio (Nacho) Garcia Barcia Jose Ignacio (Nacho) Garcia Barcia   {K:96391} 8/6/2008
tres belle image. 7+++++++++++++


Arif Ertan Ersoy (aersoy) Arif Ertan Ersoy (aersoy)   {K:27380} 8/5/2008
nice and interesting work my friend,
made me smile:)
i like it a lot,,,
all the best,


biljana mitrovic biljana mitrovic   {K:48110} 8/5/2008
Well,great observation of speed of light,but I didn't know that cows becomes experimental animals;)...I know about moses,rats,rabbits,monkeys..but cows...naaahhh ;)

wonderful upside-down shot ..wonderful reflection dear Pol:))

big hug


Ania Blazejewska Ania Blazejewska   {K:23981} 8/4/2008
Hi Paul!
simply amazing reflections and great idea with the inversion!


Stan Ciszek Stan Ciszek   {K:56854} 8/3/2008
Hello Paul,amazing shot and about,don't worry the EU experts will demolishe the agricultural system very soon.Just...I'm gussing,how you gona milk this cow???
Meaby the EU experts knows???
Animals Farm...isn't yet.
Thanks for sharing...
Be well,


Wolf Zorrito Wolf Zorrito   {K:78768} 8/2/2008
If you would move a bit faster, light will slow down Riny.
Try another shot wit a fast moving camera hahahahahah


Teresa Ferraris Teresa Ferraris   {K:16126} 8/2/2008
Your demolished cow is realy fantastic Paul. And the reflections........... amazing. Sono quasi gelosa.
tanti baci


rino sirio   {K:8012} 8/1/2008
un bel lavoro .ottima la scelta compositiva buoni idettagli e il colore...ciao rino


AJ Miller AJ Miller   {K:49168} 8/1/2008
An excellent (and rapid) demolition! The reflected image is very appealing.



Michele Carlsen Michele Carlsen   {K:146013} 8/1/2008
Excellent reflection and flip of the image my dearest Paul - this is what I think in simple words :))

I do think the cow is beautiful and I love how the grass grows like in a mirror so perfectly !

I think this is a totally cool image my friend !


Nicole Besch Nicole Besch   {K:72664} 8/1/2008 amazing and funny Paul:))!It looks like the cow was standing into the water!Great reflections,wonderful vivid colors and so very sharp and clear!I like the composition as well...gorgeous!!!
I wish you a nice weekend!
Hope that you will have a cold drink:)
Gros bisous,


Paul de Beukelaar Paul de Beukelaar   {K:26449} 8/1/2008
Je hebt gelijk Riny, ik draai de zaak nogal eens om, of soms zet ik 'm op z'n kop.
De gemiddelde snelheid van de Nederlandse koe ligt ook veel te hoog en dat is niet erg bevordelijk voor haar gezondheid.
Ik wens je ook een fijn weekend,
lieve groet van Paul


Riny Koopman Riny Koopman   {K:102911} 8/1/2008
Hoi Paul ... De Nederlandse koe is zwaar overwerkt en moet daarom veel te jong naar het slachthuis. Gemiddeld wordt zij maar 5,8 jaar, ...naar mijn mijn gevoel heb je de foto om gedraaid,fijn weekend paul,riny




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