Nick Karagiaouroglou
{K:127263} 12/4/2008
Thanks a lot for the nice comment, Madan!
Well, the world is full of things worth to try and life is so short, you know! ;-) We do all have our favorite things and we should also stay with them as long as their are our favorites, but we shouldn't forget about the many many many other things, that.. perhaps give us so much that they could also become our favorites. I was so "fanatic" about heavy metal and now I see that also the old good guys playing soul in some bar have much to say. And the old good guys playing some kind of exotic music have also something to say. So we all keep on listening, seeing, taking and giving. Nothing better than this.
The world is simply too interesting and too wide for limiting down to some kind of personal favorite, ey? ;-)
Madan Mohan Chakraborty
{K:1531} 10/23/2008
I have seen many photographers and their diversified experiments. My Dear Nick, the kind of experiment you are doing is awesome. From slow shutter speed to multiple to roads to contrast to patterns to flowers to buildings to form to............ endless list... lot to learn from you..
Nick Karagiaouroglou
{K:127263} 8/5/2008
Hi Andre!
Thanks a lot for the nice detailed comment, and excuse my delayed reply. The last few days were just an exciting but also breathless chaos as I was shooting the photos for two projects - and this time: as the official (and also paid ;-)) photographer! Am I proud, ey? ;-) It was a marathon run and now I only see rectangle shaped portions of the world, but it was worth doing!
I wasn't so aware of the geometry facts that you referred to, but you are right. It is exactly that though at the time of the shot I was too concentrated on the triangular shadow, and so the idea of ancient buldings that throw shadow on modern buildings was generated. Kind of still valid architecture discoveries that were made thousands of years ago. But I see now that the geometry and the reduced color palette are both very important for the series. I guess it emphasizes the few important things there, which is something like modelling at the end. Just take the few main ingredients and leave the rest aside.
Cheers and thanks again!
Andre Denis
{K:66407} 7/30/2008
Hi Nick, The thing I like about this kind of shot is the way that there seems to be a kind of competition between the randomness of the shapes of the clouds and the more strict, man made geometry of the buildings. Of course the shadow is a main player in this one as well. I like the proportion of natural and unnatural in this image. Also as with the rest of the series, the use of just a few colours adds to the attraction and causes the images to not look cluttered. A very nice image. Andre Andre
Nick Karagiaouroglou
{K:127263} 7/26/2008
Thanks a lot for the nice comment, Claudia!
Nick Karagiaouroglou
{K:127263} 7/26/2008
Thanks a lot again for the nice comment and your version, Yazeed! Your alteration looks good, but what exactly did you change?
Claudia Perilli
{K:31090} 7/25/2008
Great light and colors in this picture.
M jalili
{K:69009} 7/25/2008
Really I like it my friend but Please accept my change . Yours Yazeed ..