Wolf Zorrito
{K:78768} 8/23/2008
Whats happening amigo ? Are you alive ? I miss you !
Ania Blazejewska
{K:23981} 7/17/2008
outstanding capture dear txules! great tones it looks like and old postcard congrats, ania
Joao Sousa
{K:1796} 7/16/2008
Great pic txules.
Billy Bloggs
{K:51043} 7/16/2008
It's often the grab shot that proves the winner. This is really good helped along with your PS work. Regards, Gary
txules .
{K:62768} 7/16/2008
yes, you've got it Luis parabéns....txules
txules .
{K:62768} 7/16/2008
gracias Ruth, la verdad es que el PS sí que es cojonudo para crear atmósferas txules
luis pereira
{K:26013} 7/16/2008
It's always nice to find a smile wherever you go. Even in a moving car. I would think the smile makes this photograph.
r u t h d r io
{K:4339} 7/16/2008
me gusta mucho la atmosfera de sta foto, es como si la hubieses sacado muchos años antes de nacer....encuadre cojonudo y esa disolucion de los personajes en el fondo, me gusta tb!
rebecca claassen
{K:12904} 7/16/2008
And a remarkable image Txules! You have captured a 'moment' as you were traveling by, and created a very nostalgic looking image by the tones you have selected. I love it.:)
{K:70138} 7/15/2008
best of todays 4 !
Teresa Ferraris
{K:16126} 7/15/2008
Excellent teresa
M jalili
{K:69009} 7/15/2008
Yes . Perfect . 7++++++++++
M jalili
{K:69009} 7/15/2008
Yes . Perfect . 7++++++++++
M jalili
{K:69009} 7/15/2008
Yes . Perfect . 7++++++++++
M jalili
{K:69009} 7/15/2008
Yes . Perfect . 7++++++++++
Francesco Spiga
{K:586} 7/15/2008
Congratulations a beautiful coposizione ... A nice contrast ... Greetings Francis
Luca Peccerillo
{K:17660} 7/15/2008
Like an oldest photo absolutely good! Ciao.
Paul Lara
{K:88111} 7/15/2008
This is very nice, and quite nostalgic.