luisa vassallo
{K:28230} 1/28/2004
very beautiful!!!!
Alejandra Caballero
{K:14} 8/30/2003
excelente foto! luz muy buena, el encuadre igual!! felicidades!
Deleted User
{K:4318} 7/13/2003
Very nice
William R Eastman III
{K:2141} 5/23/2002
I've seen this shot a billion times but it's always different and always just as lovely. We should never forget to repeat the obvious with our own eyes.
Daniel Gies
{K:39} 4/16/2002
Heh, my girlfriend would also be jealous of that foot.... her interests made me interested in this photo, very nicely done, I do agree about the white area, I think it could use a little more definition to seperate the front of the slipper from the white background/floor, but again, very good job...
sean slavin
{K:3488} 4/16/2002
my wife would be jealous of your friend's arch and that she hasn't danced in awhile. the lower left seems blown out a bit but i like the contrast in the rest of the image. 8)