Vandy Neculae
{K:7990} 4/3/2009
Very, very nice composition!
Irena - Marta
{K:4875} 11/6/2008
Thank you, Arian
kind regards i-m
arian berisha
{K:13697} 11/5/2008
dreamy shoot, I love the composition, the fact that is taken whith film and the foggy mood,,, my best regards,,, Arian,,,
Irena - Marta
{K:4875} 8/4/2008
Thank you, Hussam for your comments and nice words.
be well :) i-m
Hussam AL_ Khoder
{K:79545} 8/4/2008
Realy absolutely amazing, is all what I can say about this great photo. Have a great day.
Irena - Marta
{K:4875} 7/18/2008
thank you, Gianna
warm regards i-m
gianna piano
{K:15530} 7/17/2008
lovely shot, perfect use of light g.
Nick Karagiaouroglou
{K:127263} 7/17/2008
Oh yes, I am still fresh, Irena-Marta, even on my older days. ;-)
Seriously now, I just try to have more than a quick look at any image, for saying something reasonable about it and not only "wow great!".
Irena - Marta
{K:4875} 7/14/2008
Nick, I like to read you, because you have a fresh look. I'm losing distnace to my shots.
Thank you, Nick.
warm regards i-m
Nick Karagiaouroglou
{K:127263} 7/13/2008
A good placement of focus on a very limited part of the image, which turned on all those light refractions on most part of it. It looks somehow "humid" and that conveys the atmosphere of a morning with mist or something similar. Quite a silent image with a good toning that perfectly matches that mood, especially in that good progression of softness from the foreground to the background. The composition helped also much, as it made that progression follow (almost) a diagonal from the top left to the bottom right.
Gustavo Scheverin
{K:164501} 7/12/2008
De un nostálgica belleza.
Muy bueno tu trabajo.
Un abrazo!
Irena - Marta
{K:4875} 7/10/2008
Thank you, Roby for your comments...
regards i-m
Roberto Arcari Farinetti
{K:209486} 7/9/2008
just a simple play, dear irena.. just moody and good! all the ebst roby 7
Irena - Marta
{K:4875} 7/9/2008
Thank you, John... I like my old zenit-E :)
regards i-m
Irena - Marta
{K:4875} 7/9/2008
Thank you, Mohsen... it's nice to see you again :)
John Hatz
{K:156973} 7/6/2008
absolutely a magic light photograph here, great the way the plant and the water on it sparking like that. be well!
Mohsen Bayramnejad
{K:21377} 7/5/2008
wow! this is just amazing... very poetic, emotive and lovely! your creativity is awesome!
Irena - Marta
{K:4875} 7/5/2008
Thank you, Minoo
have a nice weekend i-m
{K:9123} 7/3/2008
So beautiful! Great composition and light. You create poetry with your camera. Best wishes, M
Irena - Marta
{K:4875} 7/3/2008
Thank you, Aziz.. :)
aZiZ aBc
{K:28345} 7/3/2008
GREAT , Exxxxxxxxxxxxxxcellent. 7+ Aziz
Irena - Marta
{K:4875} 7/3/2008
Thank you, Shirley :)
Shirley D. Cross-Taylor
{K:174151} 6/30/2008
Just dreamy, Marta!:)
Teresa Ferraris
{K:16126} 6/29/2008
To jest po prostu przesliczne. Dziekuję za mily komentarz. pozdrawaim teresa
Stan Ciszek
{K:56854} 6/29/2008
A no wlasnie....ilez ja tych aparatow juz mialm,trudno zliczyc. Wczoraj padalo i dzisiaj tez,jade do syna na urodzinowe party... Serdecznosci. Stanislaw.
Riny Koopman
{K:102911} 6/29/2008
Well, fantastic in every way Irena. I love the composition and the details,be well my sweet friend,riny
Irena - Marta
{K:4875} 6/29/2008
Thank you, Arif for all your comments! :)
Arif Ertan Ersoy (aersoy)
{K:27380} 6/29/2008
original work! i like it! rif
Irena - Marta
{K:4875} 6/29/2008
Thank you, fotogr@vi... warm regards
Irena - Marta
{K:4875} 6/29/2008
dziekuję... no właśnie, po co? aparat wielofunkcyjny i wytrzymały... można nim było wbijac nawet kołki od namiotu ;)
miłej niedzieli :) i-m
{K:70138} 6/29/2008
excellent... your photos continue to give me that feeling... cheers, Avi
Stan Ciszek
{K:56854} 6/28/2008
To jest poprostu super art,Pani Marto. Gdzie jest moj Zent??? pocom sie go pozbyl, no po co??? Usciski, Stanislaw.
Irena - Marta
{K:4875} 6/28/2008
Dziękuję... tak, to zenit-E i ten obiektyw. Chętnie sięgam po niego, bo lubię jego głębię ostrości... do cyfry przyzwyczajam się powoli, ale analoga nic nie jest w stanie zastąpić, zgadzam się.
pozdrawiam serdecznie Irena.
Jan Iwo
{K:6133} 6/28/2008
Przepiekne. Romantyczne.Bardzo dobry pomysl. Doskonala realizacja majac na uwadze ze to film. Fantastyczny efekt. Piekna glebia. Czy to helios 44M 58mm f2,00? Nie daj sie skusic na cyfre. Analog jest cudowny, uczy pokory i szacunku dla fotografii. Tez czasami siegam do analogu. Szczerze gratuluje i pozdrawiam. Jan.