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Lilium I
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Image Title:  Lilium I
Favorites: 0 
 By: ali ikizkaya  
  Copyright ©2008

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Photographer ali ikizkaya  ali ikizkaya {Karma:11418}
Project N/A Camera Model NIKON D70
Categories Macro
Film Format
Portfolio Lens 18-80
Uploaded 6/27/2008 Film / Memory Type CF 4GB
    ISO / Film Speed
Views 636 Shutter
Favorites Aperture f/
Critiques 25 Rating
/ 7 Ratings
Location City -  GÖCEK
State -  MUGLA
Country - Turkey   Turkey
About White Lilium Elegance
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There are 25 Comments in 1 Pages
ali ikizkaya ali ikizkaya   {K:11418} 8/9/2008
My Dear Friend Hussam !
As always you done, thanks for your critique and for your warm-sincere words.
Warm Regards.


Hussam AL_ Khoder   {K:79545} 8/8/2008
NiCe SHooT.

Brilliant as always..♥ it!!

KeeP iT Up ^_~


ali ikizkaya ali ikizkaya   {K:11418} 7/27/2008
Dear Ivona!
Thank for your visit and for your kind critique. I am glad that you like this close up.
Warm Regards.


Ivona Lozic Ivona Lozic   {K:6799} 7/27/2008
Nice shoot...good macro, and it..


ali ikizkaya ali ikizkaya   {K:11418} 7/23/2008
My Dear Marian!
Thanks for your visit and for for your warm words.
Warm Hugs.
Your friend Ali


Marian Man Marian Man   {K:80636} 7/14/2008
sorry I mean B EA U T I F U L!!!!!!


Marian Man Marian Man   {K:80636} 7/14/2008
b e t i f u l!!!!!!!


ali ikizkaya ali ikizkaya   {K:11418} 7/13/2008
My Dear Friend Stan!
Thanks so much for your visit and for your warm critique. I will keep your words in my mind. I like that you love that simple macro.
Be well my friend.


Stan  Hill Stan  Hill   {K:35352} 7/13/2008
Great macro Ali, I like the very close encounter with the center of the flower. Nice color and focus, excellent work.
Be well and do not go, Stan.


ali ikizkaya ali ikizkaya   {K:11418} 7/8/2008
Thanks so much for your kind visit and emotional critiques that you have done already dear Srna. I have a acceptable datum that I am a not a photographer. I dont know, who and somehow told about me that I am using UF as a FaceBook garbage for dating or flirting. I am so sad while I am writing these lines. But my goal is to have a good friends in the interland of respect, truth and love. For that reason I stopped or I decide to close my pages in UF. The truth cant stay in darkness.
Thanks for your support. Thanks for your friendship. It will be nice to see the friends shots. I must learn a lot of thing for being well in this art.
Warm Hugs.


ali ikizkaya ali ikizkaya   {K:11418} 7/7/2008
Dear Teresa!
Thanks for your kind visit and for your critique. As always you are so kind.
Warm Regards.


Teresa Ferraris Teresa Ferraris   {K:16126} 7/7/2008
Just amazing macro!!! So elegante, superb.
Ali thanks for such nice comments.


ali ikizkaya ali ikizkaya   {K:11418} 7/6/2008
Dear John!
Thanks for your kind visit and for your warm critique.
Warm Regards.


ali ikizkaya ali ikizkaya   {K:11418} 7/6/2008
Dear Nicole!
Thanks for your kind visit and for your warm words.
And I am thankful for your comment about my decision.
Warm Hugs.


ali ikizkaya ali ikizkaya   {K:11418} 7/6/2008
Sevgili Melek Hanımefendi!
Samimi kritikleriniz ve sıcak ziyaretlerinizde yazdıklarınızı hep sevdim.
tekrar teşekkürler ve saygılar.


ali ikizkaya ali ikizkaya   {K:11418} 7/6/2008
Thanks Arif!
Thanks for your support and for your comments for me. I will write a letter to you.
Warm Regards.


John Hatz John Hatz   {K:156973} 7/5/2008
Good macro... good focus as you try to get all the details of the texture Ali... especialy on the orange ...dust (sorry about not known the english word...) is a good element here.


Srna Stankovic Srna Stankovic   {K:172232} 6/28/2008
Good close up dear Ali with fine textures, details and colors ... fantastic pollen seed !!! :)))
Just keep them coming !!!
Do not hesitate !!!
Enjoy in this beautiful art !!!
Warm hugs,


Nicole Besch Nicole Besch   {K:72664} 6/28/2008
Hi my dear Ali:))))
I'm just back from my wonderful holiday and I saw just now your BEAUTIFUL close-up!!!This one is one of your best to me!!!So beautiful to see all the great details and colors!!!This one has to be awarded to me!!!
I see what you answerd Bixie and Arif...and I have to agree with are really WRONG!!!!!!!!
Your pictures are excellent and I don't say this because you are a friend! NO ...I like them really and I'm sure not only me!!!!
Please don't do this and stay at UF!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!
A very big huh to you:)


Arif Ertan Ersoy (aersoy) Arif Ertan Ersoy (aersoy)   {K:27380} 6/28/2008
i dont think so my friend!
u are wrong!!!
that is an easy way and nonsense decission!!
pls dont do that!!


Melek Kul Melek Kul   {K:3599} 6/28/2008
Nice macro and nice colour dear friend :)
be well


ali ikizkaya ali ikizkaya   {K:11418} 6/28/2008
My Dear Friend Arif!
My heartfelt thanks for your kind visit and for you sincere critique.
Maybe as you inspected in last months I am not in success with photography job. The friends who likes my shots or my critiques disappeared one by one suddenly like the someone moved his/her finger. I know; last days some friends leaving the critiques for do not braking my heart. This is my fault. I dont want to see that I have no talent for the photography art.
There is no sense to continue for my inability for this fine art. I decided that it will be nice for me and for the last friends to close my shop. Maybe one day I will find real source of my inability...
I am grateful to you for your support and for your help till the last moment.


ali ikizkaya ali ikizkaya   {K:11418} 6/28/2008
My Dear Friend Biljana ! and Most beautiful Muffin Of The World!
My heartfelt thanks for your kind visit and detailed-sincere critique.
Maybe as you inspected in last months I am not in success with photography job. The friends who likes my shots or my critiques disappeared one by one suddenly like the someone moved his/her finger. I know; last days some friends leaving the critiques for do not braking my heart. This is my fault. I dont want to see that I have no talent for the photography art.
There is no sense to continue for my inability for this fine art. I decided that it will be nice for me and for the last friends to close my shop. Maybe one day I will find real source of my inability...
I am grateful to you for your support and for your help till the last moment.


Arif Ertan Ersoy (aersoy) Arif Ertan Ersoy (aersoy)   {K:27380} 6/27/2008
delicate floral close up ali!!


biljana mitrovic biljana mitrovic   {K:48110} 6/27/2008
Very beautiful shot my dear Ali:)
Very nice textures on petals and great captured pollen seeds:)
I like it my dear friend
big hug




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