Mohsen Bayramnejad
{K:21377} 5/13/2008
Yes, your point of view... love what you done here with usin' color n contrast for the composition. it works amazingly! the light was also amazing and you nailed with it! bravo!
Mohammad Khaxar
{K:5118} 5/12/2008
This image speaks of warm feelings and passes this on to the viewer. Excellent as always, Samin ... best, mohamad*
Reza Jaffari
{K:1092} 5/11/2008
great shot & i believe that beauty is not finished for people that the beauty is in their heart not in their face
aZiZ aBc
{K:28345} 5/11/2008
Perfect, dear Zahra. I love the PoV, composition , and colors. 7/7 B R A V O Aziz
Hussam AL_ Khoder
{K:79545} 5/10/2008
As usual! very well composed my friend.
all my best.
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mazdak shadkam
{K:526} 5/10/2008
i do believe that you are a great photogrpher parrallel to your intensive photographic! poems i do believe that your eyes are your master inspirer to poetry! this shot is the best of your series in this red room cause of the photographic factors. i do belive that exhausted means tired not finished! let it be!