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Memories II
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Image Title:  Memories II
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 By: ali ikizkaya  
  Copyright ©2008

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Photographer ali ikizkaya  ali ikizkaya {Karma:11418}
Project N/A Camera Model ZENITH
Categories Children
Film Format
Portfolio Lens 50mm
Uploaded 5/1/2008 Film / Memory Type Kodak
    ISO / Film Speed
Views 509 Shutter
Favorites Aperture f/
Critiques 12 Rating
/ 3 Ratings
Location City -  Levent
Country - Turkey   Turkey
About This shot was taken with Zenith camera by my grandfather while he came to visiting me and bring to me my first bicycle. This is exactly little boy ALI happy with his bicycle and looks to his grandfather. Little ALI never taste again that kind of happiness and had never this smile. I miss you so much grandpapa. And I miss someone who will give me again this smile.
My before grandfather, my grandfather and my father. All of them are dentists. My father said; my grandpapa never used dental tools for removing children teeth. He was using his fingers for do not making cry the children and giving back their smiles. Then he was opening the window with the children to give the old tooth to doves for getting new tooth instead of old one. For the Memory Of My Grand Father who loves so much talking with the children and the photographing.
Dedicated especially To MITRA
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There are 12 Comments in 1 Pages
ali ikizkaya ali ikizkaya   {K:11418} 8/4/2008
Dear Musa!
Thanks for your visit. Yes you understand well; what we have in our palms ??. Only the memories. They are precious. Adds a value to our lifes.
Be well. Warm Regards.


mousa Jubran mousa Jubran   {K:5780} 8/4/2008
Dear Ali.
Picture showed the beautiful memories.
Liked this picture. Is from childhood. Show joy and happiness. It is the best gift obtained rights from his father. Always remember .. A
Accept my sincere greetings, my friend


ali ikizkaya ali ikizkaya   {K:11418} 5/4/2008
have a nice week unique rose too


Srna Stankovic Srna Stankovic   {K:172232} 5/2/2008
Maybe the time has come for forgiveness ... maybe she was so very unhappy ...
Have a wonderful and full of happiness weekend.


ali ikizkaya ali ikizkaya   {K:11418} 5/2/2008
Hi' Unique Rose of the Little Prince !
Really he has a innocent smile. But his mom said to me that he was a little bit out-of-hand boy. You see how he is looking fascinated to his grand father.
Thanks so much for your warm words my unique rose.
Have a nice and happy weekend.


Srna Stankovic Srna Stankovic   {K:172232} 5/2/2008
What a gorgeous dedication and so full of happiness shot dear Little Prince ... heart touching and unforgettable pure and innocent smile !!!
Hug and be well,


ali ikizkaya ali ikizkaya   {K:11418} 5/2/2008
Hi Mitra!
Your hope is correct. I am not driving 200 miles for work. I have my own research center in my town for marine industry and special microprocessor based circuits design. Approx. 1 km distance from my house. Every two week I am going to neighbour city. There is a state university. I have a special class there for giving a lessons about "engineering philosophy and humanity", sometimes I am preparing conferences for chamber of engineers. This time I explored a plantation of flower on the border of MARMARIS road in the forest. I take a Begonia from there. Colors so wonderful. A little bit powder, pinky, light red. It was a so lovely place. I got many pictures there.
Your another letter is on the way I am trying to finish it.
Warm Hugs. And have a good morning.


Mitra Nademi-Nassari Mitra Nademi-Nassari   {K:28234} 5/2/2008
Hi Ali.

I hope you're not driving 200 miles to get to and from work...that would be an awful lot of time driving back and forth! I hope it has been for pleasure not work.
I thank you so much for your kind words and your respectful manner.
Have a great night, Ali.
All the best,


ali ikizkaya ali ikizkaya   {K:11418} 5/2/2008
My dear friend Olga!
I dont know but probably our ages are so close. We are same generation. Yes, as you sad In my childhood it was so difficult to have a toys. Always the boys was building a wooden cars by using the woods stolen from the grocery. And the girls moms was sewing the cotton or cloth dolls.
There was a no "ready to wear" clothings. But we was deeply happy. Tell me realy you give how many of your teeths to the blackbird.
I dont know your email addrs. Write me an email.
Thanx so uch for your critique.
My address is on my public pofile.
Warm Hugs. And Kisses.


ali ikizkaya ali ikizkaya   {K:11418} 5/1/2008
My Dear Friend Mitra!
Sorry for my delay. I just arrived to home. And I drive well more than 200 miles.
You understand me very well. Thanx so much for your critique. Yes I am lucky I have a tons of memory and healthy brain which is capable to remember. I will write an email to you for questions.
warm Hugs. and kiss for me your dadys hands.


Olga Vareli Olga Vareli   {K:22477} 5/1/2008
Very happy photograph, oh my...I think I know the feelings of happiness you are talking about.We didn't have lots of toys , we didn't even have lots of clothes but nothing could be compared to a grandfather's toy, it would make it up for all the other needs we couldn't accomplish.By the way, we also throw the teeth to the black bird!Thank you Ali!Kisses!:) :)


Mitra Nademi-Nassari Mitra Nademi-Nassari   {K:28234} 5/1/2008
What a lovely expression of happiness Ali! Indeed happiness is contagious! :) Your parents and grandparents sound like very kind and outstanding people. I know you miss them. It is so good that you have tons of good memories of them. I miss my mother too- everyday! Is your dad still alive? How about your mom?

I am so honored Ali that you have dedicated this lovely photo- photographed by your dear grandpa to me. Thank you my friend.

Take care,




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