Roger Skinner
{K:81846} 4/5/2008
.. I just printed this to A4.. its pretty bloody grainy kekeke
Roger Skinner
{K:81846} 4/5/2008
Roger Skinner
{K:81846} 4/5/2008
Mirek Towski
{K:14880} 4/5/2008
The picture doesn't look any better.
Owen O'Meara
{K:10503} 4/5/2008
I like your dark goth creature but I also agree it would be killer big. Knowing how you made it I think opens up a few new doors. This is the kind of image that make you think, whether you wanted to or not. I look forward to some more of this path you have taken with these.
I hope you don't hate all Americans. I can be a reasonable lad at times.
Roger Skinner
{K:81846} 4/5/2008
absolutely Mirek...
Mirek Towski
{K:14880} 4/5/2008
For the French people every fish is poisson, I am affraid for some Canadians too and they eat them anyway. You must enjoy what You do or there is no reason to do it.
Roger Skinner
{K:81846} 4/5/2008
LMFAO!!! sdlkfjdlskf sdlkfjlkdsjf sdjfnjkdsfnh jkck xzjcn sdcsdj dsckdsjcnds thats a Jim Loy (of UF as well) for laughing so hard you cant type properly... mate you just go on ahead whatever floats your boat.. dont take any notice of me !! still larfin...
Tim Schumm
{K:29196} 4/5/2008
DDamn and i was wanting to post my SShiat in the NG with your approval...guess i won't ask nowww.....kehehe
Roger Skinner
{K:81846} 4/5/2008
one man's fish is another mans poisson
Mirek Towski
{K:14880} 4/5/2008
You are right abuot the National Geographic. But no matter how long You analize what is right and wrong with the world Your picture is still a bad one. This is it.
Roger Skinner
{K:81846} 4/5/2008
No Mirek national geographic is arguably the world’s most hideous production, ideologically bereft, culturally out of touch, sociologically bankrupt, right wing rubbish. It simply trots around with its holier than thou hat on pontificating to the masses about how much better off they could become because now their photograph has been taken by some knobjock in search of his or her next latte... It simply took over from where Life left off with all its american smugness and cutesy pooh attitude to life.. family of man.. horsesh1t I say.. nah well wrong, NG simply sells schmaltz to the ever thirsty market of folks who want sit in their beds at night and feel good because they know a smattering of what has and is happening in the world via this visually corrupt journal
Tim Schumm
{K:29196} 4/5/2008
these are almost Holga-ish all u need is a bit of vignetting...cool....This would look fantastic BIG BIG
Mirek Towski
{K:14880} 4/5/2008
I hope this one is for the National Geographic. Is is still the Arpil Fools Day?