City - somewhere over the mountains of Montenegro State - . Country - Yugoslavia
Ok, I have a long story about wanting to visit Croatia, even before. There are many things that made me do that trip. To Zagreb, particularly. To make the story short, in March 2006, I left Prishtinė, through Belgrade to the border with Croatia; I passed the Serbian border check, no problems; but when I got to the Croatian point they stopped me, despite all my papers were proper. They did not even care to even reply to my inquiries as why they stopped me, neither gave me any explanation. For a moment I did a review of my past records- nothing sensible appeared for them to have an alibi against me!! I went to the lady of customs with a calm attitude but with raging red eyes that could not hide my fury. She said 'you have to have an invitation letter from someone in cro'. I looked at her with all possible human abuse, keeping that calm attitude, but the voice vibrations just slipped away my mouth- and they were of desperation, some sort of paralyses, when one hopelessly wants to make sense of things-- 'why do I need that?!' said I. she replied that is an order from above. The fact is that I had a Yugoslav passport, and Croatia and Yugoslavia (Serbia) have that agreement that they do not need any additional paper but passport. 'But, all the other passengers have the same passport--- and... (my voice was jerking off) and they all went through' I replied. 'Yes'- she replied. And looked me in the eyes, straight. I kept silent, seeing her in the eyes. She said no more; I said no more. Only, I do remember I was wasted, spent, exhausted in strength, mentally and physically--- after the long, trip; and thats not usually the case as I love to be on the road.
So, I guess that is the beauty of generalization of our race, not just nationality, but rather human. And I happen to be an Albanian, and I shall not go into that as what that is or what does that mean, because we all have much of preconditioned truths--- those truths, passing shameful judgments on our modern world.
Thanks for your patience of reading, and viewing this image. v.
PS few weeks ago, i regained the confidence to leave to Zagreb and this time I did it.
ah i just want to talk to u abt photographing coz as u kno where in egypt they dont encourge u alot so if u wana just talk add me on Msn Messenger ( )
Oh yes, the system lags and there are definite reasons for that. The powerful want to *preserve* their power at some give state in time, and this alone is conservativism since they do conserve what once has been. But time flows, things are changing, and so the all necessity for the choise of the persons of power too. And indeed it is quite funny too, if you just detach from all that sometimes and observe what is going on. It's quite a real existing satiric comedy.
well, i believe, the thing with the sys is always a step behind than the living/growing people. so these people that grow they ignite things and it takes a bit of time to get used to them- causes sys is like chameleons/ they do adopt to environment. we are only bearers of this hilarious muff, it is never desperate, though, and that's fine. :)
Well, Visar, outside the typical views of our days, that confirm a practical sense only to things that "you can hold, eat, possess, etc", I must say that I do see very very practical things in having a lucid mind too. I don't see that only for the "romantic" point of view - sorry, I don't know any other word for that. But also as a way to sharpen the mind, to keep the brain and not only the body vital and healthy. For me it is very practical - much more practical than many other things, since all other things can be made, achieved, generated by having a vital mind. For me it is the same kind of mind that produces a story to tell, or for example understands what and how must some engine of some car be repaired in order to continue travelling in some deserted place.
Very very interesting what you say about those guys there in Den Haag and Geneva! So the whole story is much like a fish that starts smelling from its head, ey? Really, I wouldn't expect that! And I put so many hopes on them already. :-( I thought they were the never sleaping guards of the most essential things on this world.
But *good* that you pulled your UN id! Some of those inhuman guys really need that in order to realize that they are not put in such offices in order to tyrannize over other people at their will. They have to understand that they are *serving*! Pretty much the same was happening in Greece back in the times of the 70s. Some people in some offices really had their fun by hunting you from one office to the next instead of trying to help you anyhow. It was not only the bureaucratic system but also their own personal satisfaction to have the feeling of "reigning" over you. A pity that you didn't pull out that card immediately. But a good thing that you know now what to do in similar cases.
Hi Visar... well, depends what time of year you get here!! Spring and summer would be great for the Harley, but I would suggest something with 4 wheel drive if you are going into the mountains or something like that... (especially if it's fall and there is the chance of snow). Cheers, Gary
Yes I was out for some time. We just had our first child. So was busy. Now I will be more active here than before. Its nice to see you have continued your good work. I am adding you as my friend. Please accept.
yeah, well, it is always the first time!! though, missed that 'luck of the bigenner'- but now, i wish i would stumble in somethin alike. ;) thanks for the sympathy, v.
thanks Bobot, you know i just run over politics, sometimes so naively that one would be surprised, i would be surprised. that's because it does not take more than a brief contemplation on a gesture of theirs to figured out how obselete and small their minds are- dimwits.
and that's just too blunt and very practical, ha Nick?! who would want a fortuneteller anyway. though, i firmly believe, the most important is having a lucid mind- and that's about it.
oh, and regarding Den Haag and Geneva and New York- no offence to them, but i have been dealing with them guys for some time Nick. they suck. they are so democratic that they do legitimise crime, and never really prosecute. however, the its name is big; and if used properly that could be helpful. like in my case, this particular case. After the lady at the border put the stamp on the passport that i am not to cross the border within 24 hrs, and all that i went through-- i finally pulled my UN id card- (i forgot to mention it in the about part); and it was really really great seeing her face decomposing, and shifting colours--- but, it was already too late, anyway, and it did not help. but this last time, i was more careful with the 'potential' i have and what that can do. ;)
Excellent composition Visar. I just love your style of photography. You have managed to create a very gloomy and depressing mood. Just continue to produce these dark images.
The image successfully shows a road, a journey, some way to somewhere while I perhaps sit in some car and look at the continuum that surrounds me and silently passes me by. During the journey I don't know where it will take me to, as only the few next steps are clear and the rest gets so fuzzy in the distance in front of me - the future. And some time after the journey all destinations appear again so hazy in my mind as the depth of this image that hides behind the fog - the future that became past. There are always some milestones like the dark silhouettes of the trees but soon they get less and less clear in memory. All this is what this one tells me - I don't know where I'm going and I don't remember where I was. My view range extends only some steps away from me.
Cross over to any kind of limited sights of things considering politics, relations, and so on. As I wrote to Kiarang also, it seems to be that "the other guys" are always the "bad guys" - and I don't see any difference between those from "above" who demanded a written invitation from you in order to allow you to pass, and many analphabetic "politicians" in Switzerland who still have the face to come out like people of wisdom and speak about all people from Kosovo as criminals, thieves, "bad guys". And the analphabetic conservative minds around here will still believe them.
But Visar, there are also other guys. Guys, here and everywhere else, that don't care as much for their "orders from above" but rather for what makes up a human existence. And they get more and more as the time passes by, because time is always on our side! It never flows backwards as many of the already mentioned yesterday-minders would wish, that know automatically who's good (we! ;-)) and who's bad (they!;-)). Their demagogic speaches will reach less and less people, until that continuum I talked about is no more divided, sub-divided, and sub-sub-divided by any kinds of borders.
P.S.: In case they do the same again,tell them that Den Haag and also Geneva would be very very interested about their practices, that contradict what they themselves signed.
very dreamy like capture, nothing is vivid, even the trees and the road is obscured by this covering of mist, just like the harassment you received, it wasn't clear why they picked on you. That was a very frustrating situation you had on your journey, I understand the difficulties in the indifferences of political and cultures going through there. very good capture and very good interpretation in photo. well done Visar.. regards..
Absolutely stunning Visar, so appropriate moody shot with strong perspective leading through mystery and bitter story in your about ... so many roads in your life and all over the world, but you just had to pass by this particularly one !!! Glad you did it ! Hug, Srna