Joksa Juoperi
{K:13473} 7/22/2003
Great and funny capture with nice composition, lighting and colours. Regards, Joksa.
John Hatziemmanouil
{K:40580} 5/24/2003
Nice composition! Great lighting and good quality image.
Judy Kessler
{K:6316} 5/22/2003
Fabulas detail.
Felipe Rodríguez
{K:9200} 5/22/2003
son lachas, Juan? magnífica luz
Jordi Serra
{K:3818} 5/22/2003
Me gusta mucho Juan, tiene una luz increible :-) js
Tracy Woodger-Broz
{K:220} 5/22/2003
I agree with everyone else but I'm curious what type of animal that is?
Guelfo Ajello
{K:7519} 5/22/2003
Most amazing composition with very good lighting.
pippo giuseppe
{K:16421} 5/22/2003
nice composition!!good detail!!
Branislav Fabijanich
{K:5453} 5/22/2003
Very nice composition. Beautiful photo!
Ken McDonald
{K:4343} 5/22/2003
Absolutely beautiful lighting and comosition... Very sharp...
David Woo
{K:275} 5/22/2003
Interesting composition. Lovely details.