Artie Colantuono
{K:12275} 9/7/2003
WEll a Phil image I missed...white on white on white with some more white thrown in for good measure...AJG's point is well understood but I do like the effect you achived by vignetting it...The attitude of the bride is very pensive and you've captured it well and your lighting treatment on this is excellent...another excellent Phil image...the professionalism is really showing Phil...very well done...
Phillip Filtz
{K:1792} 4/10/2002
Arthur, your monitor is not playing tricks on ya. ;)
I added a bit of graduated black to the corners and the bottom to draw your eye more towards her face. It looks OK, without it, however; I like using these from time to time.
The digital equivelant to a vingette lens for film I guess.
Take care
Joe McCary
{K:3235} 4/9/2002
Phillip, this is great, could be an ad for the S1, nice job.
Joe McCary
Arthur John Grossman III
{K:1214} 4/9/2002
Nice job Phillip! The image is too small for me to make out any catch-lights in her eyes...are there any? The lighting is nice...tricky with all that white...the only thing that bugs me a little is that some of the dress looks grey on my monitor which has been calibrated with a ColorVision Spyder and PhotoCal software. I don't do weddings, but my eye wants the whole dress to be a true white. Take care.
Phillip Filtz
{K:1792} 4/9/2002
Thankx all for your observations. True, there are many ways to photograph, and to view a photograph. Depends. I have pictures of her looking at the camera.
When it comes to comments about any photo I take, I'm already aware that everyone looks at them differently, and composes their own thoughts and ideas, as to how it should have been done if they shot it.
Thats what makes it fun, challenging, demanding, etc... This girl does have great blue eyes, and a great smile. I took around 50 pictures of her. Everything from frontal, to provirtual, and in between.
She choose a 2/3rds view. This pose didn't have her looking into the camera as well.
Thanks again for your comments and suggestions.
Toni Martin
{K:5092} 4/9/2002
Just gorgeous, Phillip. To me the eyes show that she might be in deep thought, elsewhere. I don't understand why some think the person being photographed should always be focused on the camera. I like it to be natural.
michaelle .
{K:3807} 4/9/2002
Phillip, I'm not very experienced with portraiture, so please take my comments with a grain of salt. I like the lighting, very nice... soft and even. The only thing that is bothering me is that I want her eyes. Her head and her shoulder are primarily open to the camera, and her eyes off to the corner do not seem to match. Maybe more of a 3/4 profile shot would work with the eyes. Well, again, that's just my inexperienced two cents.