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Happy Birthday Biljana
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Image Title:  Happy Birthday Biljana
Favorites: 1 
 By: Keith  Growden  
  Copyright ©2008

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Photographer Keith  Growden  Keith  Growden {Karma:29240}
Project N/A Camera Model Pentax K10D
Categories Photoart
Film Format Digital RAW
Portfolio Lens Sigma 70-300
Uploaded 3/1/2008 Film / Memory Type 2GB SD Card
    ISO / Film Speed
Views 772 Shutter
Favorites Aperture f/
Critiques 25 Rating
/ 5 Ratings
Location City -  Brisbane
State -  QLD
Country - Australia   Australia
About A cool drink to have on your birthday Biljana. Besy wishes and have a great day.
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There are 25 Comments in 1 Pages
biljana mitrovic biljana mitrovic   {K:48110} 3/5/2008
thank you again dear parehan :)))
warm regards to you too my dear friend


parehan .K parehan .K   {K:27453} 3/5/2008
WOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOW....A superb festive HAPPY BIRTHDAY to our Biljana...Real great work, and colours are a pleasure to view! Worth the attempts, a lovely very meaningful works .
One more time HAPPY BIRTHDAY dearst Biljana, and warm regards and hugs to both of you my friends,Biljana and Keith.


Keith  Growden Keith  Growden   {K:29240} 3/3/2008
Thanks very much Jen. Havnt known my auntie :)) for long but she is fabulous and makes me laugh. Hugs xx Keith


Keith  Growden Keith  Growden   {K:29240} 3/3/2008
Thankyou Nicki. Great to have you back. Hope you had a wonderful time. I saw your skype on earlier but thought i would give you a chance to settle in again at home. Say hello to Joe and Sam. Big bear hug :))) Keith


Jen van Wijn Jen van Wijn   {K:24075} 3/3/2008
How sweet you made this for your Aunti, Keith;)
Very thoughtfull and a card to remember for old days...loll
What more precious gift could she get, after being a sweet friend like she is...CHEERS Biljana!!
Great way of showing affection! Hugs Jenxx


biljana mitrovic biljana mitrovic   {K:48110} 3/3/2008
Mmmmmm.nothing special,just few friends...some nice food...some nice drinks...and ordinary chocolate cake....
kidding , it was great :)))pity you weren't here ....


Nicole Besch Nicole Besch   {K:72664} 3/3/2008
Hey my dear Bixi:)))) One more time HAPPY BIRTHDAY and all the best!!!I hope with such a cool drink!!!!
What a nice birthday card my dear Keith and such a lovely dedication to our dear Bixi:))))))!
I'm back since yesterday noon and I will see you on skype very soon my dear friend!!!!!!
Big beary hugs to both of you!!!


biljana mitrovic biljana mitrovic   {K:48110} 3/3/2008
Heartfelt thanks my dear Michele :)))
big hug and million kisses to my big sis


biljana mitrovic biljana mitrovic   {K:48110} 3/3/2008
Thank you my dear Marian :))
big hug my friend


Keith  Growden Keith  Growden   {K:29240} 3/3/2008
Our pleasure Auntie B. Sounds like you had a great day. Hugs and kisses. Keith


Srna Stankovic Srna Stankovic   {K:172232} 3/3/2008
Hope we are both ok after previous night my Bixi ;))) lol


biljana mitrovic biljana mitrovic   {K:48110} 3/3/2008
Thank you my dear Srna:)))
Hope you are ok after last night ;)))LOL!!!


biljana mitrovic biljana mitrovic   {K:48110} 3/3/2008
Thank you from the bottom of my heart dearest riny:)))
big hug from sunny belgrade


biljana mitrovic biljana mitrovic   {K:48110} 3/3/2008
Heartfelt thank you dear Linda:)
big hug my friend


biljana mitrovic biljana mitrovic   {K:48110} 3/3/2008
Finally I've got my cool drink :)))
it was worth to wait!!:))It's great !!
Thank you my dear friend,nephew,Keith!!!
You have made me very happy !!!
Thank you from the bottom of my heart !!:)))


Keith  Growden Keith  Growden   {K:29240} 3/2/2008
Thankyou Michele. I owed her a cold drink so i thought id give it to her on her birthday. Hugs. Keith


Keith  Growden Keith  Growden   {K:29240} 3/2/2008
Thankyou. She is a real charachter :)). Keith


Michele Carlsen Michele Carlsen   {K:146013} 3/2/2008
A very festive 'HAPPY BIRTHDAY' to our biljana :))

Very good job Keith and a great tribute as well our talented biljana !!!!!!!!!!!!



Marian Man Marian Man   {K:80636} 3/2/2008
Happy Birthday dear Biljana!!!


Keith  Growden Keith  Growden   {K:29240} 3/2/2008
Thank you Linda. Hope she enjoys it. Keith


Keith  Growden Keith  Growden   {K:29240} 3/2/2008
Hope so Srna. OLD hahaha, no no, young Bixi will be having a great day i hope. Hugs and Kisses. Keith


Keith  Growden Keith  Growden   {K:29240} 3/2/2008
Thanks Riny. I hope she does. She will be partying at the moment i think. You have a great day as well. Keith


Srna Stankovic Srna Stankovic   {K:172232} 3/2/2008
Oh, what a wonderful gift for our Bixi dear Keith, she ll be so very happy !!! :))) Beautiful !!! :))) You are so kind and gentlemen as always !!! :)))
Kisses and hugsssssssssssss,


Riny Koopman Riny Koopman   {K:102911} 3/2/2008
Happy Birthday dear Biljana,very nice greetings card Keith,Iam sure she will like it!! have a nice sunday,riny


Linda Imagefree Linda Imagefree   {K:72276} 3/1/2008
Happy Birthday dear Biljana...hugs!! Wonderful birthday greeting! :)




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