Paul Lara
{K:88111} 5/25/2008
Another nice portrait, Wayne.
Wayne Harridge
{K:18292} 4/3/2008
Thanks for looking and commenting Leora.
Leora Long
{K:11135} 4/3/2008
thanks for the inspiration, wayne...this reminds me that I love working with my 50 mm 1.2 mm nikkor lens...great portrait length and depth of field...you should do more like this, especially with backlight.
i certainly will.
i love her confidence and natural beauty and i wanted to add to the discussion about the bra that you might get an entirely different attitude from her without it.
good luck, leora
Roger Skinner
{K:81846} 1/3/2008
actions speak louder than words old son
Wayne Harridge
{K:18292} 1/2/2008
"I guess you could ask her next time to leave it behind"
That was my first thought !
Roger Skinner
{K:81846} 1/1/2008
Love the strength in her gaze!! quite disarming and maybe a vignette might help. The prevois comment re the bra rings true but a little more difficult to achieve she has the perfect figure mind.. I guess you could ask her next time to leave it behind
Mark - MarkMedia -
{K:1062} 1/1/2008
very nice back light on the hair, yet even facial light! The only improvement I would suggest is to perhaps darken the corners of the photo - making the background a bit less intense....
Gabrielle Willson
{K:7978} 12/31/2007
I like the quality of the light in the hair
Brenzef Shopovlev
{K:789} 12/31/2007
Good shot. the face is nice, good looks. Unfortunately you see her bra through her shirt.