Bernardo González
{K:4655} 4/2/2008
Muchas gracias por tu visita y tus comentarios. Precioso lugar. Bello.
ercole scorza
{K:7985} 4/2/2008
differente nel tono colore ma bella uguale complimenti e per stasera mi fermo qui ciao
my land |
Bernardo González
{K:4655} 1/12/2008
Thank you Anne. Good weekend to you too....
Best wishes.
Annemette Rosenborg Eriksen
{K:55244} 1/11/2008
This is absolutely gorgeous! A wonderful scenery that I can only dream about with the river and mountain and fascinating old milllooking building. Good weekend:-)
Bernardo González
{K:4655} 12/21/2007
Thank you much John.
Happy holidays for you and a great 2008 for you and your loved people...
Take care my friend.
Bernardo González
{K:4655} 12/21/2007
Thank you much for all your comments my friend.
I want to wish you happy holidays too, and a great new year for you and your loved people...
John Hatz
{K:156973} 12/20/2007
Excellent shot, amazing the way the old ruined building looks like into the so many trees, great colors and fealling of the mother nature here Bernardo...excellent... have great holidays my friend!!!!!!! be well!
Dave Arnold
{K:55680} 12/20/2007
Great classic scene, Bernardo. Awesome fall colors, too. Probably much more spectacular than a full green of summer!
Best wishes and I wish you happy holidays, whatever kind they may be!
Dave Arnold
Shirley D. Cross-Taylor
{K:174136} 12/20/2007
You're welcome, Bernar!:)
Bernardo González
{K:4655} 12/20/2007
Thank you much Shirley.
Bernardo González
{K:4655} 12/20/2007
Gracias Alicia. Me pareció un sitio un tanto peculiar para construir una cabaña...
Shirley D. Cross-Taylor
{K:174136} 12/20/2007
Very beautiful shot, Bernar!
Alicia Popp
{K:87532} 12/20/2007
Encanto de lugar!!! Huuummmmmmm... se seitre el rumor del agua! Una bella postal! Felicitaciones!!!
Bernardo González
{K:4655} 12/19/2007
Thank you AJ Best regards
Bernardo González
{K:4655} 12/19/2007
Thank you Ambenis. Best regards
Bernardo González
{K:4655} 12/19/2007
Grazie Ercole. Ciao.
AJ Miller
{K:49168} 12/19/2007
A beautiful landscape.
Arben Mallaki
{K:10761} 12/19/2007
That amazing landscape. Great shot , great composition,and colours to ..
ercole scorza
{K:7985} 12/19/2007
molto belli i colori e la composizione complimenti ercole