Nick Karagiaouroglou
{K:127263} 10/4/2007
Grazie molto per il commento fine, Simone!
Nick Karagiaouroglou
{K:127263} 10/4/2007
Thanks a lot for the nice and detailed comment, Dave!
Nick Karagiaouroglou
{K:127263} 10/4/2007
I really had the feeling that you would find that out, Andre, as your perception of beauty includes many different things. It's a pity that most of the time the beauty of some suburban place, like this one, remains undiscovered. Of course this is not the same beauty that we would see at some more glamorous place, but I have the impression that in such places like this there is a much more human touch that remains very direct and sincere. For example nobody is going to care that much if there is too much garbage on the streets, and so the presence of human activity does not get "visually corrected" to satisfy some given measures about "a beautiful look".
About the colors, I think I was very lucky. While it was very grey under clouds earlier in the morning, suddenly the clouds started getting thinner and allowed some sunlight to pass through. The right amount for getting that color, I guess.
Many thanks and I wish you a quick solution of the problem of the lost membership here.
Roberto Arcari Farinetti
{K:209486} 10/3/2007
oh.. well.. thanks for sharing, my friend.. and i wait your new! cheers roby
Nick Karagiaouroglou
{K:127263} 10/3/2007
Thanks a lot, Claudia!
Nick Karagiaouroglou
{K:127263} 10/3/2007
Thanbks a lot for the nice comment, Ace!
Best wishes,
Nick Karagiaouroglou
{K:127263} 10/3/2007
Thank you very very much, Yazeed!
All the best,
Nick Karagiaouroglou
{K:127263} 10/3/2007
Thanks a lot for nice comment, dear Roby!
But no, it is not the first snow. It has been some years ago, and it must have been around December when I shot that. As alreadyx mentioned I don't post images that I shot recently - only after some years.
All the best,
Nick Karagiaouroglou
{K:127263} 10/3/2007
Many thanks for the nice comment, Muzamil!
Nick Karagiaouroglou
{K:127263} 10/3/2007
Thanks a lot for the very nice comment, Diegoč
All the best,
Simone Tagliaferri
{K:28180} 10/3/2007
Bellissima composizione. Il cielo ha dei colori splendidi.
Dave Stacey
{K:150877} 10/3/2007
I like the deserted houses in the light of the sunrise, Nick! The lines and poles seem to add to the atmosphere and mood here. Dave.
Andre Denis
{K:66407} 10/3/2007
You are showing a lot of beauty in what could be a bleak setting Nick. I think the colours contribute to the overall appeal in this one. Andre
Claudia Perilli
{K:31090} 10/2/2007
Great capture. Nice composition.
Ace Star
{K:21040} 10/2/2007
hi nick! stunning capture my friend .... amazing detials, tones and atmospher :) grt drama and mood fantastic
good luck my friend
M jalili
{K:69009} 10/2/2007
Amazing composition and sky light . Regards .......
Roberto Arcari Farinetti
{K:209486} 10/2/2007
well.. the first snow.. a very fine composition-light my dear nick! have all the best roby 7
Muzamil Saleem
{K:1214} 10/2/2007
beautiful light excellent composition well done
Diego Bullita
{K:17017} 10/2/2007
hi Nick, fantastic angle for this optimal street shot, regards diego