Karen Siebert
{K:12076} 10/12/2003
Nice to have a face to put with your name. You too indeed seem to be a happy couple and I am glad you decided to share this with us. Not all pictures are masterpieces, and they arent all supposed to be but they all have some meaning nonetheless. Thanks for sharing this image and story with us.
Gabriele Pfund
{K:11745} 5/16/2003
A bit overexposed, but a very lovely capture... !!! :)
Audrey Reid
{K:5872} 5/15/2003
Happy couple - who are they again?! The big smiles more then make up for the reflections in the eyes. I'm sure you'll keep this always to remember the day by.
I wonder if there might be a easy way in PS to correct the reflections?
Steve Bailey
{K:757} 5/15/2003
Loads of fun, thats what photography should be all about
Don Loseke
{K:32503} 5/14/2003
What a handsome couple, and they sure look happy. So nice to put a face with the pictures. Take care. Don.
Mike Marcotte
{K:3948} 5/14/2003
This is great. Looks like something out of a Sci-Fi. Really, you both look quite mad.
{K:686} 5/14/2003
The faces seem to be over-lit, with reflections in the eyes, probably as a result of the low ambient light situation.