James Cook
{K:38068} 10/21/2007
Dennis - Thanks for the compliments. I'm working very hard to do just that: create an art movement. Feel free to join before it gets chic.
Dennis Hendricksen
{K:4817} 10/7/2007
This is so cool - and done without PS! I'm going to have to look into more of your luxagraphical work. Glad to see someone being very creative with their techniques, perfecting a new artform (which is what I would call luxagraphical).
James Cook
{K:38068} 10/6/2007
Mahassa - Thanks. I'm glad you like it.
Elle Elle
{K:10958} 10/2/2007
nice blue surfaces, good job, best, mahassa
James Cook
{K:38068} 9/22/2007
Marian - Thanks. I know how you love blue.
James Cook
{K:38068} 9/22/2007
Naomi - Thank you. It's a little different because of the misty aspect, but this tube gets a lot of my photographic attention.
James Cook
{K:38068} 9/22/2007
Hussam - Thanks. I'm glad you are enjoying it.
Marian Man
{K:80636} 9/19/2007
b e a u t i f u l!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!! and blue!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!! Marian
Naomi Weidner
{K:6636} 9/19/2007
Execllent, James. One of my favorites in this series. -- Naomi
Hussam AL_ Khoder
{K:79545} 9/19/2007
Great vivid colors. All the best 7/7
James Cook
{K:38068} 9/19/2007
Jim - Thanks. Hmmm... someone in Toronto muscling on my turf. I'll have to look into that. I coined the term to contain a specific set of photographic techniques I have been formulating and refining for many years now. My Portfolio Luxagraphia tells a bit more. Primarly the concern is with motion--either camera motion or camera and subject motion. That and a decided departure from PS work. I'm happy to answer any questions.
James Cook
{K:38068} 9/19/2007
Debjit - Thanks. It takes a lot of practice to get these shots to come out correctly.
Jim Budrakey
{K:24393} 9/19/2007
I really like your work here. Could you tell us a bit more about luxagraphia. I Googled luxagraphia and only came up with 6 hits - all of them on you. I also tried luxagraphy and mainly got hits on a photographer in Toronto. You seem to do a lot of work with blue light and I like it a lot.
Debjit Ghosh
{K:3494} 9/19/2007
wonderful visualization and concept.
Cheers, ~deb