Howie Mudge
{K:27933} 8/28/2007
I really like the composition here Keith, still undecided if i would prefer the whole scene to be in focus or not. Still, works excellently in b&w.
Ray Pollard
{K:3729} 8/28/2007
Nice shot mate, I'll have to get out soon I need some decent photo's.
Keith Saint
{K:13784} 8/27/2007
Just a week on Friday Ian looking forward to it now
ade mcfade
{K:12388} 8/27/2007
crikey you must hve a hell of a long lens, I couldn't see holy island at all last wednesday :-)
2 strong icons of the north east in one shot
nice one
Danny Brannigan
{K:19523} 8/26/2007
With reference to your remark about the need for a photograph of Danny Brannigan we must inform you that this site will not tollerate slanderous or inane comments of any kind whether they are inferred or stated as factual you bald heeded git.
Ian Sweet
{K:474} 8/26/2007
Nice DOF mate, just the right amount.
Not be lang before ye gan away mate?
Jo T
{K:2305} 8/26/2007
Especially like the shallow DOF to give a new slant to an oft taken scene.
Ronen Helman
{K:7393} 8/25/2007
very good compo and shallow DOF good job
Cory L
{K:400} 8/25/2007
Great title. I love the composition, it makes you stop and look, which is always the goal. Well done!