This boy was found on a remote island off of the tip of the Philippines. He followed me and Ron Allen as we documented the area and its people. When we finally began taking photos of him, he was overjoyed. As he looked up at us, his brown eyes, reflecting the sky overhead, seemed to shine blue.
Well Ben this photo is one thing... prize like gold. Emotional appeal ofcaurse 7. Very pity about me because I can't critique it... I have my good life, I have averything and I am here and look at this photo, a photo from a place (many many in our planet) that they can't upload photos in internet.......... congratulations about a real photo.
Thank you Ben, for inviting me to see, or actually enjoy your portfolio... it is full of emotional, expressive, and very artistic work... and I think beyond the techniques, capturing this emotions is the most hard part.... Great work... My tiny nit (almost all over the work) is the bit tad harsh lighting.... yet it doesn't take away anything of the beauty of the work...