Green Gemini
{K:3391} 6/21/2009
These are nice but I like the bottom one the best. Excellent work as usual.
Ian McIntosh
{K:42997} 1/25/2009
have seen a lot of this lately (mine is three). dealing with it, thanks for putting it here. :) p.s. love your work more than I have said, nice to see again.
Alain Mijngheer
{K:11733} 7/30/2007
Hey Melanie, very nice serie of Capt. Destructo:) I like it. Grtz,
Green Gemini
{K:3391} 7/30/2007
Hey Mel, this is a nice shot, especially the bottom one. It is so crisp and sharp, I love it.
Rae Pulver
{K:1134} 6/26/2007
I just laugh when I see Marreck! He reminds me so much of Gavin. I like the collage, and as someone said before, the "build up" of it.
Marta Azevedo
{K:4237} 6/26/2007
very nice collage
Lenny Perry
{K:456} 6/24/2007
Wow, really nice work Melanie
U Ozdemir
{K:244} 6/23/2007
This one i like. Good compbination of photos. My deep compliments. gr, Ozdemir
Wouter van Noort
{K:4369} 6/23/2007
Great character study; the way the action builds up in the series is great.