Michele Carlsen
{K:146013} 8/3/2008
Beautiful portrait - love the expression and position of the face - It's very unique to see no neck yet to view the hand - I really like this image my friend ! Enter it for the State Fair if You haven't already or it is not too late !!!!
Kind Regards, Michele~
p e t a .
{K:18700} 6/7/2007
Good luck then if you do end up entering Bob.
Bob Helvey
{K:619} 6/5/2007
Good insight and thanks
Billy Bloggs
{K:51043} 6/5/2007
Great pose and the tight crop suits, it made me notice, it'll open others' eye's too I'm sure. The colour might need boosting a tad, though. Regards, Gary
Bob Helvey
{K:619} 6/5/2007
Thank you very much. Your images of nature are heavenly. I will look more intently later. Peace and Blessings!
Alicia Popp
{K:87532} 6/5/2007
Estupendo retrato... muy buena idea! Felicitaciones!
p e t a .
{K:18700} 6/5/2007
Looks like a major departure from your typical approach - much more creative and modern, I say Bob. Great strong portrait. Can be improved though - email me if you like so I can possibly help out. petacurnow@gmail.com
Bob Helvey
{K:619} 6/5/2007
Thank you for the positive feedback
The Pilgrim
{K:65007} 6/5/2007
You got it goin on Brother! No doubt this will be a front runner with its highly strong compositon, pose and tight crop! A highly powerful portrait image. Proud to be the first to comment on it! 7++++++
Congrat and much love
Paul E Brumit