I found this delightful little ring-necked snake under a board this afternoon. These are harmless, pretty little snakes, seldom seen. Grabbed the Elph camera and got a few shots of it before releasing back under its board.
LOL! Well, in our part of Ontario, there are no poisonous snakes. Most of our snakes are just little wigglers, and the big ones eat mice. After having cleaned a couple cabins that the mice got into, I very much like anything that eats mice!
Thankyou Marcus. Yes, they are a bit too fast, this one had warmed up in my hands and was bound and determined to get away. It was also late in the day and I was tired after working, and didn't want to keep it overnight because I've been told that this species usually hunts at night, and I didn't want to deprive it of a meal. They're not "rare", but uncommon around here, and rarely seen. I'm thinking of putting together some kind of tray with a "natural" bottom for when I come across little critters like this, can place them in there and take photos of them.
Very nice Chelsea, I like this snakes colors, Beautiful yellow and green. The capture with the fork tongue out is excellent. Did you think of putting him down in a natural looking area for composition or are these little guys too fast? Great work.. Marcus..