Thanks Kostas, indeed, your version looks better. As for how it was done: with a fully manual Praktica ltl3, which only has a 80-220 zoom on it, with which I shot a roll to test it. I was driving to work in the morning, and got this weird idea, so I just pulled over to the side, quickly focused and shot. Had to be rather quickly; because I was blocking part of the road. I've been thinking about doing this picture over again, but never really gotten to it yet so far. However, when I get my new body one of these days, I will definately try it out like this. As for the cropping, not sure, in one way it might be better, on the other hand, I like it cropped like this. Next try, I'm gonna shoot different versions I think.
well,Bjorn,did you take this photo from a moving car,or you had stopped it in the middle of the road just to take this picture? The second is more likely,since it would be difficult to get a sharp image with the specific lens/at that time of day/from a moving car.Maybe I'm wrong,but who cares? Anyway,in my opinion this image would be more interesting if the mirror wasn't cropped,if you had used a wider focal length so as to show more of the road around the mirror,and if the colours were a little livelier.I may add an accompanying image to my last comment,if you don't mind. Regards,Kostas