Jan Weijers
{K:80} 5/14/2003
Mooie sfeer door de tint die je aan de foto gaf. Ook het ontbreken van mensen geeft de foto een sfeer van weleer.
(PS: Was jij niet in het PhotoSIG fotogroepje in Utrecht waarbij ook Ria Swart aanwezig was? Zoja, doe ze de groeten van mij als je haar weer eens "waardeert"...)
Onur Aydin
{K:9815} 5/9/2003
Do you know what happened ? Even though amazing view, and fantastic color scheme ... You had to look thru the small peek of your camera when you took this shot. Use your lcd screen only when you are setting up your shot settings. Then look from the small peek and take it.
Still wonderful to my eye :)
Regards; Onur.
Benny Smets
{K:2919} 5/6/2003
Zeer mooi Dick,mooi plaatsje ook.
Kaj Nielsen
{K:15279} 5/5/2003
I do think in this you have the old fasion look on the foto, beautiful compocition. Regards Kaj Nielsen
Dick van Breda
{K:4655} 5/5/2003
Too Attila: sorry Attila, but the white building on the left is also a old building, only the color is different. Regards, Dick
Attila Nemeth
{K:419} 5/5/2003
The old style sepia effect and the new white building on the left center is controversial. Can you find a part only with old buildings? :)
nicholas king
{K:111} 5/5/2003
the tone is interesting, but the lines of the photo are slightly all over the place.
Mário Sousa
{K:16985} 5/5/2003
rino sirio
{K:8012} 5/5/2003
bel lavoro..ciao