Serkan Mumcuoğlu
{K:114} 3/8/2006
Kompozisyon ve boşluk çok etkileyici tebrikler...
Mustafa KIZIL
{K:2591} 11/12/2003
goog work
Gianluca G
{K:2004} 10/1/2003
Ok ok I am going through your portfolio and this one rocks as well! Very original, makes me smile, great composition!
Ulf Fågelhammar
{K:10975} 6/21/2003
First of all I really like cats. But sometimes you get quite boring photos in that category. But this is really creative. Strange composition, but i like it a lot. Makes me smile. That?s great!
Hakan Aker
{K:14146} 5/6/2003
Excellent shot ,the croping is very good indeed.Some comments are very nice,and simsiyah's comment is very silly.
sept sea
{K:2569} 5/6/2003
Love it!!
João Figueiredo
{K:7674} 5/6/2003
... like it!
Detlef Rudolf Braun
{K:2232} 5/5/2003
Masterful composed, I like it. Four cat-eyes ...Detlef
simsiyah simsiyah
{K:47} 5/5/2003
üzerinde düyünülmüy bir kare olduwu belli. yalnız belli zorlamaların olduwuda geyet açık. resimdeki bayanın gözleri ile kedinin gözleri arasındaki benzerlikte sanırım bu zorlama. bu nu daha dowal gösterbilseydiniz sanırım resmin kalitesini o zaman çok daha iyi farkedecektiniz. iyi çalıymalar
Nejat Talas
{K:15} 5/5/2003
I don't remember us doing this photo :) I look sleepy :))
Tom Vadnais
{K:973} 5/5/2003
Great composition. I think the focus on the cat is perfect--it focuses the attention on the person instead. Provacative and interesting.
Matt Davis
{K:3935} 5/5/2003
this is a bold image that I've not seen done before. Good use of neg space, neat crop and well framed with the thick edge. Was this a self timer and were you holding the cat up in front of you (assuming that is you!)? The cat could perhaps be a little sharper - this could be as a result of using a self timer and trouble setting up such a creative shot. Nice work.... keep them coming. Off out now to try this with my cat. - Any tips?
Antonio Trincone
{K:23167} 5/5/2003
sharpness, sharpness
sadaf farahani
{K:1740} 5/5/2003
very very nice composition and cropping!
Erkan Gokce
{K:1414} 5/5/2003
i think someone is joking ..he visited me too :)) this photo is a great work! very interesting composition! congrats!