Theron Williams Sr
{K:1459} 8/21/2007
Thanks for the Information
Alicia Popp
{K:87532} 8/20/2007
Gracias Theron, por tus bondadosos comentarios y tu interés Esa flor es una stapelia variegata, es una planta suculenta Un saludo!
Theron Williams Sr
{K:1459} 8/20/2007
excellent, beautiful, aaawsome.. what kind of flower is it.
Geoff Ball
{K:3375} 7/3/2007
Wow, great shot, interesting plant. Very nicely done.
{K:15913} 6/22/2007
Great photo of that beautiful interesting flower! Congratulations!
John Hatz
{K:156973} 5/22/2007
Surely one of the most unique flowers I ever seen in my life, very special and very well presented into the not best lighting support, you manage it perfectly and you get the 7 easily dear Alicia. Best regards!
Ezequiel Lozada
{K:17176} 5/9/2007
Fantástica !
João F * Photography
{K:41945} 5/1/2007
Me gusta mucho Alicia Deliciosa foto !! rgs jo
Gilbert Laraque
{K:784} 4/16/2007
Beautiful Alicia
Alicia Popp
{K:87532} 4/11/2007
Gracias Gazsó, qué detalle!!! Felicitacione me encanta tu captura!
Gazsó Attila
{K:818} 4/10/2007
I promise the "near same" photo :)

William Santos
{K:580} 4/10/2007
Me habia perdido, de buenas fotos, por no visitar tu portafolio, que lindas fotos, y sobre todo esta, con una rica textura.
Alicia Popp
{K:87532} 4/9/2007
Un honor estar en tu lista de amigos, muy agradecida! Saludos!
Gazsó Attila
{K:818} 4/9/2007
Beautiful flower! I done near the same photo, but your is much better...I upload it tomorrow.
Alison DuFlon
{K:36566} 4/6/2007
Que planta mas interesante, has captado lindos detalles y colores en esta foto Alicia. Alison
jacques brisebois
{K:73883} 4/4/2007
what a wonderful hypnotic flower, great details and very nice capture my friend.
{K:42404} 4/4/2007
bellísima!! parece una joya!!
Juan Gonzalo Marcano Prieto
{K:14254} 4/4/2007
si que es extraña, muy bella toma para mostrarnolas, excelente 7++++
Michele Carlsen
{K:146013} 4/4/2007
Amazing floral Alicia ... It looks like something from the ocean , or another world !!!! I've never seen a flower like this one before ! Just Amazing !!!7++++++++++++++
Maryanne Murillo
{K:11617} 4/3/2007
Gorgeous and very unusual. Wonderfully realized.
Markus Scholz
{K:23722} 4/3/2007
Interesting plant which I never saw before. Beautiful, Alicia! Saludos, Markus
C.A. Mikulice
{K:13300} 4/3/2007
This is beautiful, Alicia. I love the composition, the colors and the textures. I have never seen such a flower before. Really great photo.
Paolo Corradini
{K:59552} 4/3/2007
magic nature this is amazing fantastic flower! well captured PAOLO
Metin Kayacan
{K:2238} 4/3/2007
Excellent composition and colour, Alicia.Thank you for your comment+7
Shirley D. Cross-Taylor
{K:174163} 4/3/2007
A very exotic looking blossom...lovely photo, Alicia!:)
ricardo longhi-frantz
{K:9628} 4/3/2007
Alicia esta es una toma fantastica! muy bella!!!!!!
Leonie Fitzpatrick
{K:40551} 4/3/2007
Terciopelo impreso hermoso Alicia…:))) Eso es lo que me recuerda esta flor llamativa…:) Luz y composición encantadoras…:) Trabajo encantador otra vez…:))) Onie…
Janet Wechter
{K:2935} 4/3/2007
Very nice image. Great composition and exposure.
Alicia Popp
{K:87532} 4/3/2007
Gracias Alfredo, es un honor estar en tu lista de amigos y por tus bondadosos comentarios! Saludos!
Alfredo Piñeyro
{K:6609} 4/3/2007
Realmente una "extraña belleza". Creo que sería imposible no detenerse para admirarla. Felicitaciones y gracias por presentarnos a la Stapelia...
Joe Brown
{K:23213} 4/3/2007
Very unusual looking and attractive Alicia. Excellent composition, great colours and textures.
Dave Stacey
{K:150877} 4/3/2007
Excellent composition and colour, Alicia! Dave.
Bhabesh Chakrabarti
{K:11394} 4/3/2007
Beautiful macro dear Alicia. What a great composition this is and very unusual looking flower...never seen this species. Very wonderful details and congratulations. Best regards, Bhabesh
Gustavo Scheverin
{K:164501} 4/3/2007
Efectivamente, es una extraña y única belleza. Qué rara! Un abrazo!
Richard DuCroix
{K:1142} 4/3/2007
absolutely beautiful! Great shot!