This is a polar bear, right? My vision of a noble polar bear is a white bear standing on ice flow with a couple of cubs to feed and protect. I can't tell if this poor bear is resting, sleeping or dead. It looks dirty and yellow.
As a result of the reduction of the ice pack in the north, due to global warming, the polar bear population is under a great deal of stress. Without ice they can not hunt seals, their main source of food. The day is soon approaching when the only polar bears remaining will be found in garbage dumps scavenging for food or living in zoos being throwing their daily rations. Hardly noble in my opinion.
I not dumping on you Darren, just taking exception to your title. If your title highlighted the sorry condition of some animals in captivity, I would look much more favorably on the image and title.
I appreciate your opinion, but to me he still looks noble. Nobility is a class or ranking whereas sadness is an emotion. In this way we could both be right.