{K:138} 6/6/2003
Dear Heidi: Beleive this will help. After the picture is scaned click save and a window opens.Type in the title and below it is an aroow to click on so u can scroll for JPEG. When found click it. Now go to the top aroow which will open your files. Pick one and then go to save and click. Good luck and regards.
{K:138} 5/21/2003
Hello Heidi: Iwork with Adobe home edition 4.o that came with the PC. All my digital I down load to a JPEG file. It works well for the old man. I do very little to what ever I shoot. I apprediate the comments. I don't expect every shot to be perfect but pretty close. I had an ICD implanted in me in Aprial so Iv'e been taking it easy.
Heidi Dehncke-Fisher
{K:504} 5/20/2003
Dear Walter, I've been out of the loop for a little while. Busy shooting video (my business) though I had one paying photo job as well. And I don't have anything to post at the moment.
But -- this is quite nice. I like the composition and wall effetc with the bells inside. Makes me think of when I was out studying the Navajo Indian resevration - I went to John Jay college of Criiminal Justice for part of my undergrad and we studied they justice system. Anyway, i like this.
I am a little dyslexic (right - left) and operational concepts...basically - I want to ask you how you get your scans so sharp. I don't seem to understand scanning for JPG vs. Photoshop. What DPI do you use? And do you scan Photoshop first and make a JPG from that? Or do you scan just for JPG - and at what DPI. This is where I get confused and have more or less ruined a number of my photos.
anna wolf
{K:2366} 5/4/2003
very good sharp shot, nice perspective, makes interesting composition !!!
mario mario c
{K:5347} 5/4/2003
beautiful composition.