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Above your head..
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Image Title:  Above your head..
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 By: Roberto Arcari Farinetti  
  Copyright ©2007

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Photographer Roberto Arcari Farinetti  Roberto Arcari Farinetti {Karma:209486}
Project #19 Above Your Head Camera Model canon eos 33
Categories Nature
Film Format Film 35mm
Portfolio Magic light..
Night Shot
Lens 100-400mm. IS - L USM
Uploaded 3/22/2007 Film / Memory Type Fuji  Superia
    ISO / Film Speed
Views 1539 Shutter
Favorites Aperture f/
Critiques 66 Rating Critique Only Image
Location City -  Arcisate..
Country - Italy   Italy
About Il 3 e 4 marzo 2007
Ecco qui qui l'attacco dell'ombra della terra alla luna.. ore 22.49
..E quando è la totalità dell’ eclisse è vicina... ore 23.40
La luna rossa è pronta.. qui è al massimo della luminosità.. la totalità dell’ eclissi!!! ore 0.00


SUPERIA FUJI Film… ISO 200.. sparato da obiettivo 100-400 IS L USM (e duplicatore)..
da 1/750 di secondo, 2 secondi e 3 secondi di esposizione (apertura f. 11)

March 3th/4th, 2007
here the attack of the shadow of the earth to the moon. hours 22.49
And when the totality of the disappearance is near.. hours 23.40
The red moon is prepared.. here she to the maximum of the brightness.. eclipse’s totalità!!! hours 0.00


SUPERIA FUJI Film… ISO 200.. shooted from 100-400 IS L USM lens (and doubler)..
from 1/750, 2 sec. & 3 sec. of exposure (aperture f. 11)
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There are 66 Comments in 1 Pages
Emilia Garbera - Herghelegiu Emilia Garbera - Herghelegiu   {K:1397} 11/29/2009
wonderful! great work!


Taras R. Hnatyshyn   {K:4055} 3/26/2009

Nice work for lunar eclipse photography on film at this (short) focal length.



Roberto Arcari Farinetti Roberto Arcari Farinetti   {K:209486} 3/21/2009
prova dai e aspetto i risultati..
già è un emozione assistere ad una eclisse..
ciao ciao


Giovanni Costa   {K:279} 3/21/2009
Bellissima sequenza, devo provare anch'io quato tipo di scatti.....speriamo bene.
Ciao Giovanni


Roberto Arcari Farinetti Roberto Arcari Farinetti   {K:209486} 2/5/2008
oh.. you are to much good with me, thanks so much, but also i'm happy that you like it!!!


Gay Jacobs Gay Jacobs   {K:414} 2/5/2008
WOW. I really don't know what else to say - that's an amazing picture.


Roberto Arcari Farinetti Roberto Arcari Farinetti   {K:209486} 11/25/2007
hi olga..
thanks so much for all your support and delicate comment tome and my photo..!
we have so much beauty around.. the difficult is to see this one.. the human-mind is always strange!

and have all the best.. ;)


Olga Vareli Olga Vareli   {K:22477} 11/25/2007
The moon always frightens me and makes me wonder why it looks at us with such a way, and here it is, three times in one image, I am looking at it with admiration and I find it awesome...Beautiful and poetic image.


Eb Mueller Eb Mueller   {K:24960} 11/12/2007
Amazin demonstration of the eclipse - well done!!!


Abdelrahman Elwassimy Abdelrahman Elwassimy   {K:3707} 7/1/2007
heyy roberto:) as i told u before thats a really gr8888 shot:) plz tell me how did u get such detail of the moon? i tried it but i didnt get almost any details!i have no experience in this,and know that my camera is not SLR! so wat should i try?


Roberto Arcari Farinetti Roberto Arcari Farinetti   {K:209486} 5/30/2007
oh, mary.. my dear.. was only a europe's lucky moment..

thanks for all your support..


Mary Brown   {K:71879} 5/29/2007
Beautiful capture of the eclipse. Wonderful details and presentation. We did not get to see this eclipse here, s thanks for sharing.


alessandro reggiani   {K:4791} 5/16/2007
bellissima composizione dell'eclissi di luna, la sequenza è bellissima
L'esposizione e i dettagli sono perfetti
proprio un bel lavoro


Roberto Arcari Farinetti Roberto Arcari Farinetti   {K:209486} 5/6/2007
thankyou very uch virgis...
have all the best


Virgis Dromantas Virgis Dromantas   {K:4212} 5/6/2007
Excellent presentation, Roberto. Arty and scientific. Well done!


John Hatz John Hatz   {K:156973} 4/27/2007
Very nice, great deep red scale on the moons!


H t H t   {K:568} 4/26/2007
Roberto great exposure and beautiful photo excelant perfect composite thanks a lot for your sharing


Pietro Clarizia Pietro Clarizia   {K:8241} 4/5/2007
bella questa tripletta di lune!

buona pasqua anche a te!



Roberto Arcari Farinetti Roberto Arcari Farinetti   {K:209486} 4/2/2007
many many thanks..

take care,


Nicole Besch Nicole Besch   {K:72664} 4/2/2007
WOW...great exposure and beautiful details!!I like the colors against the dark sky.You have done an excellent job:)
Have a beautiful week too,ciao,Nicole;)


Albert Jacobs Albert Jacobs   {K:9527} 4/1/2007
Wooooww Roberto,

A fabulous view. Great composite and very nice these 3 views in 1. The differences in lightfall works very effective and brings a highly interesting image. Excellent idea and perfectly done. Compliments, my friend!!

Wish you and yours a nice Sunday,
Albert Jacobs :)


Roberto Arcari Farinetti Roberto Arcari Farinetti   {K:209486} 3/31/2007
thank you so much zeev, your comment is realy appreciated!
have a nice week end..


Zeev Scharf   {K:25603} 3/31/2007
Excellent work my dear friend,great Idea,beautiful composition

Best regards


biljana mitrovic biljana mitrovic   {K:48110} 3/31/2007
Piacere e' il mio caro Roby:)
a presto


Roberto Arcari Farinetti Roberto Arcari Farinetti   {K:209486} 3/31/2007
thanks so much to you cara biljana..
have a nice week end


biljana mitrovic biljana mitrovic   {K:48110} 3/30/2007
Ciao Roby...this is wonderful!!!!
...and, if I can say that....thanks for dedication:))))


Alberto Romano Alberto Romano   {K:2407} 3/28/2007
Grande Roby!
Complimenti per la composizione....e per la "cattura" non certo facile!
A presto


Roberto Arcari Farinetti Roberto Arcari Farinetti   {K:209486} 3/28/2007
Thank you so much dear friend..


Dubravko Grakalic   {K:25235} 3/28/2007
great. moon like ball...nice sport photo:)


Roberto Arcari Farinetti Roberto Arcari Farinetti   {K:209486} 3/26/2007
grazie e gentilissimo.. son felice ti piaccia.. una serena settimana


Bhabesh Chakrabarti Bhabesh Chakrabarti   {K:11394} 3/25/2007
Great presentation style with the different phases and colors of the lunar eclipse.
Very well done.


Dino Lupani Dino Lupani   {K:15142} 3/25/2007
Davvero uno splendido lavoro caro roberto, forse la più bella rappresentazione dell'avvenimento che ho visto, complimenti sinceri!!


Joggie van Staden Joggie van Staden   {K:41700} 3/25/2007
Lovely execution of a fascinating subject with wonderful crisp detail and colour - Great image Roberto!


Srna Stankovic Srna Stankovic   {K:172232} 3/25/2007
Brilliant as always my dearest Roby and so sweet dedication :) !!!
Warmest hugs
7 +++



Allen Aisenstein Allen Aisenstein   {K:5652} 3/25/2007
Really very nice. Good color and sharp detail. Excellent work!


NN  NN     {K:26787} 3/25/2007
Ciao Roby! Thank you so much; a wonderful dedication to your many friends! Very interesting sequence, well done! *hugs*


Asim Roy Asim Roy   {K:10051} 3/25/2007
Nice dedication, lovely presentation, love, asim


Violetta  Tarnowska   {K:24497} 3/24/2007
Great work, Roby! Congratulations!
Warm hugs:)


Roberto Arcari Farinetti Roberto Arcari Farinetti   {K:209486} 3/24/2007
many many thanks cara marian..
grazie mille... baci e abbracci, e ti auguro un sereno week end!


Roberto Arcari Farinetti Roberto Arcari Farinetti   {K:209486} 3/24/2007
oh.. thanks so much for all your support dear shadi..
have a marvelous week end!


Shadi Porooshani Shadi Porooshani   {K:11236} 3/24/2007
hiiii dear roby:)
very nice work & very good composition


Marian Man Marian Man   {K:80636} 3/23/2007
Caro Roby, thank you for this nice dedication!!!!!!
excellent presentation of the moon eclipse!!!! superb work by you!!!!! bravo!!!!!


Roberto Arcari Farinetti Roberto Arcari Farinetti   {K:209486} 3/23/2007
thnak you very much saeed for your technic and precise comment.. happy you like it, my friend..


Saeed Al Shamsi Saeed Al Shamsi   {K:47735} 3/23/2007
Very special presentation of this Moon eclipse sequence shots, three of them has been capture with great control over exposure to get such wonderful details.
Splendid work as usual.


Kiarang Alaei Kiarang Alaei   {K:49415} 3/23/2007
Nice: specially in title and form.
bravo my friend. pitty for quality, although i know how it's hard to capture moon!


Howie Mudge Howie Mudge   {K:27933} 3/23/2007
Excellent. Well done.


Robert Chin   {K:22282} 3/23/2007
Excellent capture Roby,lovely colors against the dark sky.


Shane Finnigan Shane Finnigan   {K:1990} 3/23/2007
Great shot Roberto!!!! I was hoping to capture our most recent eclipse but the clouds had a different plan. I like your composition for it's simplicity of showing the relevant stages of the eclipse and how you placed them in an arch. Well done.


Paul Lara Paul Lara   {K:88111} 3/23/2007
This is a nice sequence, made even nicer by telling us the story within the photo. Thank you!!


1301307 60 1301307 60   {K:44058} 3/23/2007
interesting what you captured here, inspite of the low light, you have very good clarity.. very nice composition, all three moon with different shades of tones...
very good Roberto...


Campbell Cameron Campbell Cameron   {K:1682} 3/22/2007
Go on you film devil. Give it to the digital duds. What a beauty.


roberto canepa   {K:7382} 3/22/2007
notevole Roby! da astrofilo esperto!
originale anche la presentazione.
un signor obiettivo, visti i risultati! ...anche se, poi, è il "manico" che conta!! :):)
ciao, a presto (prima della prossima eclisse, però...)


Pablo Dylan Pablo Dylan   {K:63918} 3/22/2007
Splendido lavoro.
Complimenti Roberto.



Roberto Arcari Farinetti Roberto Arcari Farinetti   {K:209486} 3/22/2007
thanks so much markus..


Markus Scholz Markus Scholz   {K:23722} 3/22/2007
Congratulations, Roby, for this excellent documentation. Perfect work. Thanks also for the nice dedication, very much appreciated.


Antonio Torkio Antonio Torkio   {K:5592} 3/22/2007
ottima sequenza ... complimenti :)


Ibrahim Youssef Ibrahim Youssef   {K:5579} 3/22/2007
Superb work Roberto, beuatiful exposure, very well done:)
best regards


Marco  Meroni Marco  Meroni   {K:1779} 3/22/2007
Davvero bella,ottimi dettagli e composizione...


arijit(ratul) talukder arijit(ratul) talukder   {K:6029} 3/22/2007
love it !


C.A.  Mikulice C.A.  Mikulice   {K:13300} 3/22/2007
Wow, beautiful, Roby. Great exposure and beautiful details. A lovely, perfect composite.



Walter Scarella Walter Scarella   {K:19671} 3/22/2007
Ottimo lavoro ! Bellissime le tre fasi e ottima la definizione. Complimenti .......Ciao....Walter


Gennaro  Manna   {K:21301} 3/22/2007
Ciao Roby,
avevo gia avuto modo di vederla..immagine di grande impatto e di qualita...ti rinnovo i complimenti....bravissimo


Gabriele Bullita Gabriele Bullita   {K:1235} 3/22/2007
Ciao Roby, grazie per la dedica e sopratutto per la foto (...visto che a quell'ora mi perdevo dentro i pub e mi son perso lo spettacolo...) Complimenti ancora, ma la prossima volta la luna troverà preparato anche me! Grazie ai tuoi consigli naturalmente!!!


Gianes Ma Gianes Ma   {K:26069} 3/22/2007
Ciao Roby!
Di classe (come tuo standard) la tua rappresentazione dell'eclissi.
Complimenti ed un salutone,


Alessandro Capelli Alessandro Capelli   {K:34805} 3/22/2007
Eh eh..eccola anche qua finalmente!
Bellissima la composizione di queste tre fasi..l'esecuzione è ottima per ognuno dei tre..altro che quelli della mia digitale
Complimenti Roby, e grazie per la dedica collettiva ;)
A presto,


Debarshi Duttagupta Debarshi Duttagupta   {K:26815} 3/22/2007
wow , this is brilliant Roberto.




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