{K:1510} 4/9/2010
Nilanjan Mitra
{K:12955} 4/15/2007
orizon ta chara baki sob kichui bhalo
Bikramadittya G. Roy
{K:7202} 3/13/2007
Nice lights and colors, but I'd ask for a better composed shot. I tried to crop yours for a tighter comp, but having a diff comp in field wud've been diff.

{K:1971} 3/13/2007
Nice sunrise shot
Anupam Dasgupta
{K:1357} 3/13/2007
Thanks Robert :)
Anupam Dasgupta
{K:1357} 3/13/2007
thanks Luis... i will remember your comments from next time... I've just gone through your profile... there are some great theater pics... wow!! i'm a theater worker and it's very delightful to see the kind of thing you love...
Anupam Dasgupta
{K:1357} 3/13/2007
I have taken other photos with different angle and composition...but i've got the exact color from this photo ...anyways thanks for your comments
Anupam Dasgupta
{K:1357} 3/13/2007
thanks Alberto
{K:7888} 3/12/2007
Beautiful fotografía.
Luis Steinberg (EFIAP)
{K:21250} 3/12/2007
Nor for me...the horizon line... and the fisherman are in the center of the image...not for me...and also the shadows without details. Maybe in the future could be a good photo...not now...work in it...But my friend the image likes the people..OK...Regards.- LUIS
Hugo de Wolf
{K:185110} 3/12/2007
Hi Anupam,
A pity about the tilt in the photo, and I think you could've zoomed in a bit - it might've made the photo stronger. Still, the backlighting and the scene is very nice, a lot of potential in this photo. Good catch!
Campbell Cameron
{K:1682} 3/12/2007
Anupam, this is terrific. Great atmosphere and delivery of the goods in this one! I love the feel to the curves and nets. Good work fella!!!
abhra aich
{K:8830} 3/12/2007
very differenty composed,well framed. but something is lacking in the presentation.I can`t point what but I somehow felt that.
Alberto Romano
{K:2407} 3/12/2007
Great composition and awesome colors... Greetings Alberto
Simone Tagliaferri
{K:28180} 3/12/2007
Bella. una foto dai colori stupendi.